





r. right smartn. agency ,direction ,fashion ,path


way[wei]n. 方法;道路;方向;行業;習慣adv. 大大地;遠遠地adj. 途中的


Way 路,頻段;途徑;道路;方式;make way 讓路,騰出地方或位置;讓路,讓出地方;讓路,開路;讓路;Milky Way 銀河系;銀河;天川;牛奶湖;offthe way 遠離正道;no way 不可能;不行;無計可施;沒門兒;


1.Yes, I know her from way back. 是的,我很久以前便認識她了。

2.Is this the way to the airport? 這條路是不是到飛機場去的?

3.This is the way to an advantage. 這也是這種手段的一個優點。


Take care on your way back. - 回程保重了。

Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon. - 真的。那是真正參觀峽谷的好方式。

So you really don't see your way to get it down a bit? - 你真的不能再降一點了嗎?

I used to be that way when I was her age. - 我像她這般年紀也是這樣。

Thanks, John. You really go out of the way to make me feel welcome. Thanks you very much. - 約翰,謝謝你。你真是煞費心思來讓我感受到歡迎。謝謝你!

My parents paid my way through college. - 我父母供我上大學。

I'm working my way through college. - 我靠勤工儉學上大學。

The way I see it, we should get more holidays. - 我看我們應該有更多的假期。

Crash dieting is not an advisable way to lose weight. - 瘋狂節食可不是減肥的好方法。

I'm new here, can you help me find my way around? - 我是新來的,你能帶我轉轉嗎?

Tell me about it on the way home. - 在回家的路上告訴我吧。

Thanks. I'm on my way over. - 謝謝, 我馬上就來。

She has a special way with kids. - 她對孩子很有一套。

There must be some way to put my mind to good use. - 總會有辦法讓我發揮才智。

to your finding a way to use that wonderful mind of yours. - 能夠讓你施展你的學識。

It isn't the way I hoped it would be. - 這不是我所盼望的。

This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary. - 這不是我們過五週年紀念日的方式。

That's one way of looking at it, I admit. - 我承認可以從這個角度看問題。

Maybe you're right, but I still feel that blue is the way to go. - 也許你說得對,但我仍覺得藍色才是合適的。

What's the best way to learn English? - 學習英語最好的方法是什麼?

I buy some food on my way home. - 我回家路上買些吃的。

a way to encourage reading. - 鼓勵閱讀的辦法。

Well, I think I may have found a way to do it. - 噢, 我想我也許已找到一種辦法。

This would be a wonderful way to accomplish that. - 這倒是達到這個目的的絕佳辦法。

That's the way I look at it. - 我就是這麼看這件事的。

Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. - 聽起來好像是個解決問題的好辦法。

for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. - 從城裡大老遠趕來和我談這件事。

there's no way we can complete this project. - 我們無法完成這項計劃。

But that isn't the way it works. - 但是現實不是如此。

Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. - 媽媽和爸爸已經出發去畫廊了。

That's the way it goes. - 現實就是這樣。

Take heart, we'll find a way out. - 振作起來,我們會有辦法的。

That ain't the way I need it. - 據我所知,不時那麼會事。

You're way off base. - 球不在壘上,此處指「與事實不符」。

Sorry about that, let me know if there's any way I can make it up to you. - 我很抱歉,有什麼能補償的話請告訴我,我會盡力幫忙的。

No, you're way out of line this time. - 不行,這一次你做得不合規矩。

My car goes way faster than yours, that's why I want to keep it. - 我的車比你的要快,這就是我要保留它的原因。

I read Guangzhou Daily on my way to work in the morning. - 早上上班的路上我總是讀《廣州日報》。

Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hard day's work. - 游泳是在辛苦了一天後放鬆自己的好方法。

If you feel in any way unsatisfied, please just give me a call. - 如果你覺得有任何不滿意的地方,請給我電話。

It's too crowded in the bus. I think I'll have to get off to walk the rest of the way home. - 車上太擠了,我想剩下的路我必需下車走路回家。

There's a long way to go in reviving the countr's economy. - 這個國家的經濟復甦還有很長一段路要走。

Technology could revolutionize our way of life. - 科學技術會給我們的生活方式帶來革命。

Reading childern's literature is an excellent way for the beginning English speaker to improve. - 對於剛剛開始學說英語的人,閱讀兒童文學讀物是個不錯的方法。

Farming is a hard way to make a dollor. - 農業很難賺錢。

The way an event is portrayed in the media largely determines how it will be viewed by the public. - 媒體對新聞的報道方式很大程度上決定著觀眾看待這件事的試。

Let them have your parking space, that way you won't come back later to find your car vandalized. - 讓他們把車停在你的停車位吧,那樣你回來時就不會發現你的車被刮花。

The best way to promote your products is through advertising. - 推廣產品最好的方法就是買廣告。

The way people act in private is often quite different to how they act when in public. - 人們私下的行為跟公共場合的行為是截然不同的。

I'm most grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. - 你不厭其煩地給我解釋去那裡的最佳途徑,我對些深表感激。


three way tube; threewaytube - 三路管

three way tube; three-limb tube; threewaytube - 三通管

n. side way extrusion - 側向擠壓


n.中間位置,中路 - mid way

n.支路 - side way

三系雜交,三交 - three way cross

n.三路管,三通管 - three way tube


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