etenduen. 展度;集光率
1.The structure and etendue of schlieren device was analyzed, and the light flux of the object plane was calculated. 對紋影系統的結構及光學擴展量進行了分析,並結合成像設備計算出實際測量面所需光通量。
2.As is known in the art, etendue is a function of the area of the emitting source and the solid angle that the light beam includes. 如在本領域中已知的那樣,光學擴展性隨著發射源的面積和光束所成的立體角而變。
3.The light gathering power of the interferometer, the etendue in the object space and the conditions of matching one to the another are given. 給出了干涉儀聚光本領、物空間聚光本領及其二者的匹配條件;