Hollerithn. 何勒內斯代碼(利用鑿孔把字母信息在卡片上編碼的一種方式,以美國發明人赫爾曼·霍爾瑞斯 Herman Hollerith 命名)
Hollerith 霍勒內斯;何勒內斯;裡斯;何樂禮;Hollerith string 何樂裡串;Hollerith type 何樂裡類型;hollerith code 霍勒內斯碼;侯樂思碼;何樂裡碼;何勒裡斯代碼,霍勒瑞斯碼;hollerith machine 霍勒內斯計算機;
1.Punch card tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith. 赫爾曼。霍爾瑞斯發明穿孔卡片製表機。
2.Herman Hollerith gets a contract for processing the 1900 census data using punched cards. His firm was eventually named IBM in 192
4. 赫爾曼。霍爾瑞斯得到一份合同,採用穿孔卡片處理1900份戶口普查資料。1924年,他的工廠最終被冠名為IBM。
3.And not a very good machine, at that, for Sarbin also suggested that medicine would benefit if "we could replace [the doctor's] eyes and brain with a Hollerith machine". 沙賓指出,如果「我們能夠用一台霍勒裡斯機器換掉(醫生的)眼睛和大腦」,醫學才會讓人獲益。