semantically ill-formed 語義失當;graceless ill-mannered barbaric gross ill-bred insolent 粗野的;graceless ill-mannered barbaric gross ill-bred insolent 粗野的;ill-fated ill-omened inauspicious infelicitous portentous 不吉的;ill-fated ill-omened inauspicious infelicitous portentous 不吉的;
1.She neither sentimentalized the Chechen rebels nor demonized the Russian conscripts—ill-armed, ill-fed and ill-led—who have crushed the Chechens' half-baked independence. 在她的筆下,車臣叛軍不是悲劇英雄,俄國士兵亦非十惡不赦的魔鬼——部隊裝備簡陋、後勤糟糕、領導無能——縱然他們扼殺了車臣獨立的種子。
2.But these bishops and abbots who rob the poor, and the high sheriffs who bind and beat them, cropping their ears and cruelly ill—treating them, these you shall lighten of their ill—gotten gains. 但是那些主教和僧侶們搶窮人的東西,居高位的郡長捆綁他們,打他們,割他們的耳朵,殘酷粗暴地對待他們,這些人你們應該減少他不義得來的利益;
3.Diagnosis can also sometimes be used to straightjacket patients into ill-defined and ill-fitting categories that lend a scientific appearance to socially constructed biases. 診斷有時也被用來把病人狹隘地歸入一些類別,而這些歸類可能是定義模糊而不恰當的,但卻使一些社會形成的偏見披上了科學的外衣。
4.The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave. 神父打算帶著這些罪惡的財寶回西班牙去,但是開船前的一星期他發了高燒一病不起。
5.The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave. 神父打算帶著這些罪惡的財寶回西班牙去,但是開船前的一星期他發了高燒一病不起。