





a. debilitating


invigorating[in'viɡəreitinɡ]vt. 振興(invigorate的ing形式)adj. 爽快的;精力充沛的


invigorating 精神充沛的;精神充沛的.爽快的;使人有精神的,使人健壯的;鼓舞;invigorating spleen 釋義:健脾,益脾,補脾;invigorating stomach 釋義:健胃;invigorating a 激發精神的;invigorating water 微冷泉;冷泉;


1.The effect might have been invigorating had this huge sum been poured immediately into the economy. 如果這筆龐大的撥款立即派上用場,對當時的經濟可能起滋補作用。

2.Method: The pharmacodynamics study was conducted in the invigorating Yang of drosophila melanogaster, and rats, mice. 方法:採用果蠅及大、小白鼠對八仙丸膠囊壯陽作用進行藥效學研究。

3.This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. 這個由於黑人的合理不滿而特別炎熱的夏天,在自由、平等的清涼秋天來臨之前,是不會過去的。


invigorating the spleen; strengthening the spleen - 健脾

invigorating the spleen for eliminating dampness - 健脾化濕

invigorating yang - 助陽

elevation the spleen yang; invigorating vital function; invigorting vital function - 升陽

invigorating the kidney yang; invigorating the kidney-yang - 壯腎陽

invigorating primodial qi - 大補元氣

hemostasis by invigorating qi - 寂氣止血

invigorating qi and blood and yin and yang; invigorating qi blood - 氣血陰陽兼補

warming and invigorating the spleen and stomach; warming and invigouating the spleen and stomach - 溫補脾胃

nourishing blood and invigorating qi - 滋補氣血

medicine for nourishing blood and invigorating qi - 滋補氣血藥

invigorating qi; supplementing qi - 益氣

invigorate primordial qi; invigorating premordial energy; nourish the primary qi - 補元氣

invigorating yang - 補助扶陽

invigorating substances; nourishing and invigorating substances; nourishing substances; tonic; tonic substances - 補品

the school of invigorating the earth; the school of invigorating the spleen earth - 補土派

invigorating qi - 補氣

invigorating qi and tranquilization - 補氣安神

hemostasis by invigorating qi - 補氣止血

invigorating the lung and the kidney - 補肺益腎

hemostasis by invigorating the spleen - 補脾攝血

invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi; reinforcing the spleen to replenish qi - 補脾益氣

invigorating the spleen to benefit the lung - 補脾益肺

invigorating the liver and kidney; nourishing the liver and the kidney; psoralea fruit - 補骨脂

invigorating pulse-beat; promoting circulation of qi - 通脈


n.補氣止血,寂氣止血 - hemostasis by invigorating qi

n.補脾攝血 - hemostasis by invigorating the spleen

n.滋補氣血藥 - medicine for nourishing blood and invigorating qi

n.補品 - nourishing and invigorating substances

n.滋補氣血 - nourishing blood and invigorating qi

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the earth

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the spleen earth

n.溫補脾胃 - warming and invigorating the spleen and stomach

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