nanovoltmeter 釋義:毫微伏電壓計;(納伏表): 最適合提供納伏靈敏度的電壓表(一般都採用低熱電動勢的連接器、偏置補償等)。;
1.a typical voltage gain for a nanovoltmeter preamplifier is 10
3. 納伏表的前置放大器典型增益數值為103。
2.Electrometer and nanovoltmeter characteristics differ, so the operational amplifier requirements for these two types of instruments are also somewhat different. 靜電計和納伏表的特性不同,所以這兩種儀器對運算放大器的要求也有所不同。
3.Because individual cells may differ by only a few microvolts, making accurate measurements requires using a nanovoltmeter and low voltage measurement techniques. 由於單個電池之間的電壓差可能只有幾個微伏,所以進行精密測量就需要使用納伏表和低電壓測量技術。