n. piemonte
piedmont['pi:dmɔnt]n. 山麓;山麓地帶adj. 山麓的
Piedmont 皮埃蒙特;山麓;德蒙特;皮爾蒙特;piedmont glacier 山麓冰川;山麓冰河;piedmont benchland 山麓階地;ice piedmont 山麓冰坡;piedmont lakes 山邊湖;山邊湖, 山麓湖;
1.A city of central North Carolina in the Piedmont east-northeast of Charlotte. It is a trade and processing center. Population, 15, 110. 美國北卡羅來納州中部城市,位於夏洛特東北偏東部的皮德蒙特山麓高原上。是貿易和製造業中心。人口15,110。
2.East West High-nature low-lying west of Taihangdong lu an eastern piedmont alluvial plain is, from west to east were the mountains, hills, plains, each about one-third. 自然地勢西高東低,西部屬太行山東麓,東部為山前沖積平原,自西向東依次為山區、丘陵、平原,約各佔三分之一。
3.Kumtag desert is one of wild Bactrian camel distribution area in the world, the main topography unit there is piedmont alluvial floodplain gobi, desert and salt desert wetlands. 庫姆塔格地區地貌形態單元以山前沖積洪積戈壁、沙漠、鹽漠濕地為主,是野駱駝分佈的地區之一。