n. faucial tonsil ,palatine tonsil ,tonsilla
tonsil['tɔnsil]n. 扁桃體;[解]扁桃腺
tonsil 扁桃腺;扁桃體;扁桃形結構;扁桃體:;tonsil retractor 扁桃體拉鉤;扁桃體牽開器;釋義:扁桃體拉鉤;tonsil knife 扁桃體刀;tonsil squeezer 扁桃體壓搾器;tonsil guillotine 扁桃體鍘除刀;釋義:扁桃體鍘除刀,扁桃體擠切刀;
1.How does tonsil agnail do? 扁桃體發炎怎麼辦?
2.How does children tonsil inflammation do? 小兒扁桃體炎症怎麼辦?
3.What method is chronic to cure is tonsil agnail effective? 什麼方法對治療習慣性扁桃體發炎有效?
tonsil of cerebellum - 小腦扁桃體
branch of tonsil of cerebellum; ramus tonsillae cerebelli - 小腦扁桃體支
hypertrophy of tonsil after infection - 感染後扁桃體肥大
tonsil knife; tonsillotome amygdalotome - 扁桃體刀
tonsil guillotine; tonsillectome - 扁桃體切除器
tonsil dissector - 扁桃體剝離器
tonsil scissors - 扁桃體剪
tonsil purch forceps - 扁桃體咬取鉗
tonsil seizing forceps - 扁桃體夾持鉗
tonsil suction dissector - 扁桃體手術用吸引剝離器
tonsil enucleator - 扁桃體摘出器
tonsil screw - 扁桃體摘出螺旋
tonsil hemostat - 扁桃體止血器
tonsil hemostatic forceps - 扁桃體止血鉗
excision of tonsil tage - 扁桃體殘體切除術
tonsil syringe - 扁桃體注射器
tonsil puncture; tonsillocentesis - 扁桃體穿刺
tonsil ligature needle - 扁桃體結紮針
tonsil ligature forceps - 扁桃體結紮鉗
tonsil guillotine - 扁桃體剷除刀
lingual tonsil guillotine - 舌根扁桃體剷除刀
n.舌扁桃體膿腫 - abscess of lingual tonsil
化膿性扁桃體摘除術 - abscess tonsil
n.扁桃體增殖腺切除術 - adenoidectomy of tonsil
扁桃體環試驗 - annulation test of tonsil
n.扁桃體隱性結核 - asyptomatic tuberculous infection of tonsil
n.扁桃體出血 - bleeding of tonsil
n.小腦扁桃體支 - branch of tonsil of cerebellum
埋入性扁桃體 - buried tonsil
n.扁桃體囊 - capsule of tonsil
n.扁桃體癌 - carcinoma of tonsil
小腦扁桃體 - cerebellar tonsil
n.扁桃體瘢痕 - cicatrix of tonsil
扁桃體與增殖腺隱窩,扁桃體與增殖腺的隱窩 - crypt of tonsil and adenoid
埋入性扁桃體,包埋性扁桃體 - embedded tonsil
扁桃腺肥大 - enlarged tonsil
n.扁桃體表皮樣癌 - epidermoid carcinoma of tonsil
n.管扁桃體,咽鼓管扁桃體 - eustachian tonsil
n.舌扁桃體切除術 - excision of lingual tonsil
n.扁桃體殘體切除術 - excision of tonsil tage
顎扁桃體 - faucial tonsil
扁桃體病灶,局灶性扁桃體 - focal tonsil
n.舌扁桃體異物 - foreign body in lingual tonsil
n.粒細胞減少性扁桃體壞死 - granulocytopenic necrosis of tonsil
n.扁桃體出血 - hemorrhage of tonsil
扁桃體肥大 - hypertrophied tonsil
n.舌扁桃體肥大 - hypertrophy of lingual tonsil
n.扁桃體肥大 - hypertrophy of tonsil
n.感染後扁桃體肥大 - hypertrophy of tonsil after infection
n.扁桃體感染 - infection of tonsil
n.感染性舌扁桃體肥大 - infective hypertrophy of lingual tonsil
n.感染性扁桃體肥大 - infective hypertrophy of tonsil
n.腸扁桃 - intestinal tonsil
n.扁桃體沖洗管 - irrigating cannula of tonsil
n.扁桃體角化 - keratosis of tonsil
n.喉淋巴小結 - laryngeal tonsil
n.舌扁桃體 - lingual tonsil
n.舌根扁桃體剷除刀 - lingual tonsil guillotine
n.扁桃體淋巴肉瘤 - lymphosarcoma of tonsil
n.扁桃體惡性淋巴瘤 - malignant lymphoma of tonsil
n.扁桃體壞死 - necrosis of tonsil
顎扁桃體 - palatine tonsil
振動樣扁桃體 - pendular tonsil
n.路施卡氏咽囊,咽扁桃體 - pharyngeal tonsil
扁桃體誘發試驗 - provocation test of tonsil
n.扁桃體網狀細胞肉瘤 - reticulum cell sarcoma of tonsil
n.扁桃體鱗狀細胞乳頭瘤 - squamous-cell papilloma of tonsil
n.扁桃體殘體 - stump of tonsil
包埋性扁桃體 - submerged tonsil
n.扁桃體腫大 - swelling of tonsil
n.管扁桃體,咽鼓管扁桃體 - tubal tonsil