dysphasia[dis'feiziə]n. 言語障礙症
dysphasia 中樞性言語障礙;言語困難;失語症;語言障礙;receptive dysphasia 接受型語言障礙;dysphasia training 釋義:言語困難訓練;Cervical Dysphasia Clinic 婦產科-子宮頸病變;expressive type developmental dysphasia 釋義:表達型言語困難;
1.There were different sensitivities in displacement of valves and complications. 2 dysphasia of tricuspid valve were faultily considered as Ebstein sa… 2例三尖瓣發育不全超聲誤診為三尖瓣下移畸形,2例三尖瓣缺如的超聲診斷經手術結果證實。
2.We describe a 41-year-old man with an acute onset of expressive dysphasia, followed by persistent seizure state and severe complications of systemic medical problems. 我們提出一位四十歲男性個案,起始表現有急性表達性語言困難,伴隨著持續性癲癇狀態以及嚴重的系統性內科併發症。
3.Objective: The concept of CVD is equal to Stroke in the field of Chinese Medicine. It leads to many serious problems such as hemiplegia, dysphasia and cognitive impairments. 目的:腦血管意外屬於中醫中風病範疇,可造成偏癱、失語、認知障礙等嚴重的功能缺陷。
n.解語丹 - pill for relieving dysphasia