Foxe 福克斯;福克司;Hayden Foxe 福克斯;Foxe Basin 福克斯灣;福克斯灣(在加拿大東北部的巴芬島以西);FOXE Change owner 修改擁有者;Foxe's Book of Martyrs 福克斯殉道者名錄;
1.Foxe has found that an amino acid* present in green, black and oolong teas has dramatic physiologic effects. 法克斯發現綠茶、紅茶和烏龍茶所含的一種氨基酸具有顯著的生理效用。
2.It is connected with the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson Strait and with the Arctic Ocean via the Foxe Channel. 經哈得遜海峽與大西洋連接,經福克斯海峽與北冰洋相接。
3.In Foxe's Book of Martyrs, we read of a different kind of rescue that demanded extreme commitment and sacrifice. 約翰.福克斯的著作《殉道者之書》,描述了另一種拯救,需要完全的獻身和犧牲。