mail-trainn. 郵車
mail-train 郵車;mail cart mail-cart mail-coach mail-train 郵車;mail-cartmail-coachmail-train 郵車;
1.Gandhi was thrown off a train and later a mail bus for insisting on travelling in the whites-only section. 施行時,甘地由於堅持要坐在折價座位區,曾經先後被人從一列火車裡一輛郵車中扔出來。
2.Britain's 1963 "Great Train Robbery" saw a gang steal
2. 6 million pounds from the Glasgow-London mail train. 英國1963年發生的「火車大劫案」中,一夥強盜在格拉斯哥開往倫敦的郵政列車上偷走了總價值為260萬英鎊的現金。
3.Rising numbers of children in the UK are starting primary school still wearing nappies, because their busy parents have failed to toilet-train them, the Daily Mail reported. 英國《每日郵報》近日報道,越來越多的小學生仍穿著紙尿褲上學,因為他們的父母還沒教會他們如何上廁所。