pooches[pu:tʃ]n. [美俚]雜種狗
1.Washingtonia can now drop their pooches off at a pet hotel that cares for their friendly canines in a five-star environment. 華盛頓的市民現在可以把他們的寵物狗送到寵物旅館裡去了。在那裡,他們的愛犬將享受到五星級的服務。
2.Washingtonians can now drop their pooches off at a pet hotel that cares for their friendly canines in a five-star environment. 華盛頓的市民現在可以把他們的寵物狗送到寵物旅館裡去了。在那裡,他們的愛犬將享受到五星級的服務。
3.A love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil. 前不久開張的巴西「情侶狗汽車旅館」目前正生意火爆。這家世界上惟一為狗狗們準備的汽車旅館迎來了一對對沐浴在愛河中的狗狗情侶們。