rankersn. 薄層土
rankers 薄層土;
1.The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth. 其中地位高的會在背上背一面裝飾繁複的戰旗,而最富有的傢伙則戴著牙齒穿成的項鏈公開炫耀。
2.High-rankers in this clan love to don military trappings, such as medals, eagle-wing or axe cap-badges, binoculars, monocles, and bandoliers festooned with grenades. 高階血斧們則熱愛各種軍用配件:勳章、展翅鷹或斧型的帽徽、望遠鏡、單目鏡以及插滿手榴彈的的攜彈帶。
3.In the later system the front ranks locked shields and presented a hedge of thrusting spears whilst the rear ranks kept up a continual barrage of missiles over the heads of the front rankers. 在晚期的作戰體系中,前面幾排使用盾牆和長矛,後面幾排則不斷地越過前排的頭頂投擲箭矢。