schellingn. 先令(古代低地國家如荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡等國的銀幣或合金幣)
Schelling 謝林;Thomas Schelling 托馬斯·C·謝林;托馬斯·克羅姆比·謝林;Schelling point 謝林點;聚焦點 (博弈論);薛林點;Federick Schelling 弗裡德裡希Thomas Crombie Schelling 托馬斯·克羅姆比·謝林;謝林;
1.The typical scholars who support this trisection system are Hegel and Schelling. 在近代,構建這種三分體系的以黑格爾、謝林等人為代表。
2.In Schelling's philosophical conception, art is set in an alternative: either as the ultimate moment of philosophical consciousness or as a phase in the identity system. 謝
3.The researches, of conflict by Schelling and of cooperation by Aumann, provide a basic analytic frameset for political science, economics, sociology, science of military affairs and so on. 謝林對衝突的研究以及奧曼對合作的研究,為人們研究政治學、經濟學、社會學、軍事科學等提供了一個基本的分析框架。