submitting[səb'mit]vt. 使服從;主張;呈遞vi. 提交;服從
submitting 遞交;submitting physicians 送檢醫生;Submitting plans 提交計劃;Submitting Tools 關於自動登錄軟件;Instructions for Submitting Abstracts 論文摘要投送之注意事項;
1.By submitting your registration information, you indicate that you agree to the Terms of Service and have read and understand the Privacy Policy. 註冊資料一經提交,即表示您同意我們的服務條款,並且已經閱讀並理解我們的隱私權政策。
2.Please notify the Certification Support Center once payment is made by submitting a case online. Please scan and attach a copy of the payment confirmation to your case. 付款之後請在線提交一份付款情況說明到思科的認證支持中心,並在你的情況說明中附上你付款憑證的掃瞄件。
3.Make sure that the data has been encrypted and transferred through safe linkage before submitting any of your sensitive or personal information, especially the number of your credit card. 在提交任何關於你自己的敏感信息或私人信息——尤其是你的信用卡號——之前,一定要確認數據已經加密,並且是通過安全連接傳輸的。
What is the deadline for submitting the quotation? - 報價截止日是哪一天?