





r. betwixt ,'tween


between[bi'twi:n]prep. 在…之間adv. 在中間


between 在…之間;在中間;兩者;範圍測試;range between 範圍在..與..之間不等;範圍在……與……之間不等;範圍在..與..之間;範圍在。。與。。之間;connection between 關係,連接;關係, 連接;關係,連接;關係連接;come between 離間;在…中間;妨礙,分開;分開,離間;Between Generations 幾代人之間;


1.between Chicago and Washington 在芝加哥和華盛頓市之間

2.The Lord judge between me and you. 願上帝在我與你之間來判斷!

3.Because between love the word is heart. 因為愛這個字中間是一個心。


But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. - 我正努力在執著與妥協之間找到平衡點。

The interview and conversation between us in Beijing are quite useful and inspiring. - 我們在北京的會面和談話是十分有益和令人鼓舞的。

Considering the friendly relation between us, - 鑒於我們之間的友好關係,

I hope this will lead to further business between us. - 我希望這次交易將使我們之間的貿易能得到進一步發展。

I like to snack between meals - 正餐間我愛吃點零食。

Don't laugh. In the beginner's class,they give you a chance to rest between exercises. - 別笑。在初級課程中你有機會休息。

That's a secret ... between us women. - 這是個秘密……我們女人的秘密。

Did you watch the football game between Manchester United and Arsenal last night? - 昨晚你看了曼聯對阿森納的足球比賽嗎?

Marriage between homesexuals is a controversial topic today. - 同性戀者之間的婚姻如今是個具有爭議的話題。

The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be growing every day. - 貧富懸殊好像與日俱增。

So, are there any major cultural differences between our two nations? - 我們兩國間有什麼大的文化差異嗎?

What's the difference between A and B? - A和B有什麼不同?

Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse. - 當前美國與我國間的貿易不平衡問題正日益惡化。

Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen. - 拍賣時各出價對這幅名畫競爭很激烈。

As relationships between the People's Republic of China and the United States strengthen more and more today. - 隨著當今中美兩國關係的不斷加強。

Harmony in the department seems to emerge as a result of mutual trust and respect between myself and my staff. - 部門和諧的形成有賴於我和我的員工之間彼此信任和尊重。

There was perfect harmony between the two brothers. - 兄弟倆感情非常融洽。

I hope this will lead to further business between us. - 我希望這次交易將使我們之間的貿易得到進一步發展。

I will be in between six and eight. - 我6點至8點都在。

Yes, our market analysis tells us our prime user will be between 40 and 60. - 好的,我們的市場分析告訴我們,我們產品主要的使用者年齡將在40至60歲。

She couldn't discern the very slight differences between the two. - 她無法分辨雙方為少的差異。

One woman, in Peru, was saved from an earthquake by lying between two mattresses. - 秘魯的一位婦女,躲在墊子之間從地震中死裡逃生。

There is no longer any communication between them. - 他們之間好久不說話了。

A secret between more than two is no secret. - 兩人以上知道的秘密就不算秘密。

Many a slip (many things fall) between the cup and the lip. - 酒杯來到嘴唇邊,得飲與否未可知;物未到手前,未能算己有;凡事難以十拿九穩。

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip. - 天有不測風雲。

It's a secret between you and me. - 這是你我之間的秘密。

There is some difference between the twins. - 這對雙胞胎有點兒不一樣。

He had to choose between death and dishonor. - 他不得不在死亡和恥辱之間選擇。

It is between two hills. - 它們於兩座小山之間。

It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! - 顯然,它分辨不出印度音樂和爵士樂!

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. - 我用兩個沾滿麵糊的手指捏起了話筒。當聽出是海倫。貝茨的聲音時,非常喪氣。

Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. - 這裡您可以看到兩個工人,他們協力割下了3車金黃色的通心粉秸。

It is possible that there is a definite relation between these paintings and the markings that sometimes accompany them. - 有時,這種圖畫與牆壁上的刻痕共存,它們之間可能有一定的聯繫。

For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have very hard indeed. - 對於過慣了一頓飯吃7道菜、睡亞麻細布床單的人來說,變換一下生活環境來到阿爾卑斯山山區,那一定是很艱難的。

There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: - 老年人和年輕人之間僅僅有一個不同:

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, - 當我聽人們說體育運動可創造國家之間的友誼,

and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes, the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. - 測出回聲間隔的時間,便可算出該處海洋的深度。

These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries. - 當前,是各國管理條例上的差異,而不是關稅阻礙了發達國家之間的貿易。

They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28TH. - 他們希望盡早達成協議,為5月28日舉行的美國和歐洲貿易的最高通級會議作準備。

At noon the spaces between the sensors will hide fluctuations that the computer will not know about, tiny deviations from the average. - 正午時分,傳感器之間的距離會掩蓋計算機無法知道的波動、任何偏離平均值的變化。

And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization. - 雖然在美國歷史上沒有任何時期或地區像西部拓荒時期那樣被荒謬地浪漫主義化了,但神話和事實至少在某一個舞台上共存,也就是存在於個人與漸漸闖入的文明這兩者的衝突之中。

planes, or land vehicles----for it is something in between a boat and an aircraft. - 飛機,或是陸上交通工具,因為它是介於船和飛機之間。

The real dividing line between continents and oceans occurs at the foot of a steeper slope. - 大陸和海洋的真正分界線是在陡坡腳大陸架慢坡

so that there are heavy odds in favour of our dying between the ages of sixty-five and eighty. - 我們最可能死亡的年齡在65至80歲之間,

This temptation to cover the distance between himself and the reader, - 這種企圖消除自己和讀者之間距離的作法,

Waves are the children of the struggle between ocean and atmosphere. - 海浪是大海和空氣相鬥的產物。

a wave length (the horizontal distance between two wave crests), - 波長(兩個浪峰間的水平距離)

but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training. - 但強調了一項基本原則,像和馴象員之間的關係是馴象成功與否的關鍵。

The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, - 捕捉15至20歲之間年齡的大象進行馴練最為經濟。


anua; area between inne canthimanother name for hengku; perineum - 下極

n. interface between different phases - 不同相間的界面

n. dislocation between both plates - 兩板間變化

n. dislocation between both plates - 兩板間錯位

indurated mass between the waist and hip - 中石疽

anastomosis between arota and pulmonary artery - 主動脈-肺動脈吻合術

estoring normal coordination between the heart; fire - 交通心腎

boundary between muscles or muscular layers; boundary betwiin muscles or musculau layers; flesh adherent to the bone; muscle - 分肉

transverse diameter between ischia - 坐骨間橫徑

transverse distance between ischia - 坐骨間橫距

distinct line between large muscles - 大分

large space between muscles - 大谷

correspondence between man and universe - 天人相應

small spaces between muscles - 小分

distance between buildings - 建築物間距

eliminating pathogens between interior-exterior; eliminating pathoges - 開達膜原

n. interface between different phases - 異相界面

disarmony between the heart and kidney - 心腎不交

coordination between the heart and the kidney; the heart and kidney coordinate with each other - 心腎相交

fluctuate between joys and fears - 忽喜忽憂

seborrheic eczema between the eyebrow of infants - 戀眉瘡

disharmony between qi and the blood - 氣血不和

discordance between the water and the fire; discordance between water and fire - 水火不濟

between assay variation - 測定間分析變化

between assay precision - 測定間分析精密度

between assay error - 測定間分析誤差

between assay - 測定間批間分析

intermuscular septum; spaces between the muscles - 溪谷

region between the wo kidneys where qi is stored; source of qi - 生氣之原

antagonism; antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs; incompatibility between two drugs or antagonism - 相反

mutual restraint between two drugs; restraint between two drugs or incompatibility - 相畏

mutual reinforcement between two drugs - 相須

furuncle in the site between the eyebrows - 眉心疔

n. degree of cohesion between particles - 粒子間的相干度

n. degree of cohesion between particles - 粒子間結合程度

interdependence between the liver and kidney - 肝腎相生

incoordination between the liver and the spleen - 肝脾不和

mutual promotion between the lung and the kidney; mutual promotion of the lung and the kidney - 肺腎相生

qi stoed between the kidneys; qi stored between the kidneys - 腎間動氣

inconrdination between the spleen and the stomach; incoordination between the spleen and the stomach - 脾胃不和

disharmony between ying and wei; stagnation of ying-qi - 營衛不和

cutaneous erosio between the eyebrows - 鏈眉

interdependence between yin and yang - 陰陽互根

transformation between yin an yang; transformation between yin and yang - 陰陽轉化

anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery - 降主動脈-肺動脈吻合術


n.降主動脈-肺動脈吻合術 - anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery

n.主動脈-肺動脈吻合術 - anastomosis between arota and pulmonary artery

n.相反 - antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs

n.下極 - area between inne canthimanother name for hengku

n.分肉 - boundary between muscles or muscular layers

二重盲檢群間比較試驗 - comparison test between double blind group

二重盲檢群間比較法試驗群 - comparitive method between the double blind experiment group

n.心腎相交 - coordination between the heart and the kidney

親子相關 - correlation between parent-offspring

n.天人相應 - correspondence between man and universe

n.鏈眉 - cutaneous erosio between the eyebrows

n.心腎不交 - disarmony between the heart and kidney

n.水火不濟 - discordance between the water and the fire

n.水火不濟 - discordance between water and fire

n.氣血不和 - disharmony between qi and the blood

n.營衛不和 - disharmony between ying and wei

n.建築物間距 - distance between buildings

n.大分 - distinct line between large muscles

n.開達膜原 - eliminating pathogens between interior-exterior

n.交通心腎 - estoring normal coordination between the heart

n.忽喜忽憂 - fluctuate between joys and fears

n.眉心疔 - furuncle in the site between the eyebrows

n.相反 - incompatibility between two drugs

n.相反 - incompatibility between two drugs or antagonism

n.脾胃不和 - inconrdination between the spleen and the stomach

n.肝脾不和 - incoordination between the liver and the spleen

n.脾胃不和 - incoordination between the spleen and the stomach

n.中石疽 - indurated mass between the waist and hip

n.肝腎相生 - interdependence between the liver and kidney

n.陰陽互根 - interdependence between yin and yang

n.大谷 - large space between muscles

n.肺腎相生 - mutual promotion between the lung and the kidney

n.相須 - mutual reinforcement between two drugs

n.相畏 - mutual restraint between two drugs

n.腎間動氣 - qi stoed between the kidneys

n.腎間動氣 - qi stored between the kidneys

n.生氣之原 - region between the wo kidneys where qi is stored

n.相畏 - restraint between two drugs or incompatibility

n.戀眉瘡 - seborrheic eczema between the eyebrow of infants

n.小分 - small spaces between muscles

n.溪谷 - spaces between the muscles

n.陰陽轉化 - transformation between yin an yang

n.陰陽轉化 - transformation between yin and yang

母子間過渡 - transition between mother and child

n.坐骨間橫徑 - transverse diameter between ischia

n.坐骨間橫距 - transverse distance between ischia


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