





n. bivouacking ,encampment ,tenting


camping['kæmpiŋ]n. 露營;野營v. 露營;紮營;臨時安頓(camp的ing形式)


camping 宿營;野營;露營;安營紮寨;camping trip 露營;野營旅行;野營;Camping equipment 野營設備;露營設備;戶外裝備;野營裝備;camping goods 露營用品;Camping site 露營處;露營地;營位;野營營地;


1.How about going camping this weekend? 這個週末去露營怎麼樣?

2.That store sells camping supplies such as tents and backpacks. 那家店販售露營用品,例如帳棚和登山背包。

3.Buy one professional camping equipment, and use them at least once. 買一套專業的野營裝備,至少要使用他們一次。


If I have time, I enjoy camping in the wild with my friends. - 若時間許可,我愛和朋友到野外露營。

When are you going camping again? - 你什麼時候再去露營?

I go camping in the mountains to enjoy the fresh air. - 我去山中宿營以享受新鮮的空氣。

Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents. - 明天晚上我們將露宿在帳蓬裡。

We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure. - 我確定我們會在露營時玩得很開心。

Now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip. - 現在, 讓我們檢查一下露營旅行所需物品的清單吧。

I've always liked camping out. - 我一直喜歡露營。

I haven't decided whether I will go camping or not, but it is certainly possible. - 我還沒決定是否去露營,但還是有可能去的。

My class went camping last summer. - 去年夏天我們班去露營了。

Did you go camping this morning? - 你今早去露營了嗎?

Do you see that notice? It says No Camping -- in case you can't read!' - 你們看到那個佈告牌了嗎?上面寫著『禁止野營』--除非你們不識字!」

That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, - 現代露營裝備一年比一年講究,這對那些厭世嫉俗者來說是一件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。

From all such fears camping releases him. - 露營使人們免除了這些憂慮。

Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, - 誠然,露營地本身也存在以露營裝備和方式取人的勢利現象,

To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement. - 因此開車去露營會給這種快樂意識增加一種優雅意境。

The opinion does not survive experience of a popular Continental camping place. - 但這種說法在受人歡迎的歐洲露營場地是站不住腳的。

or those inviting 'our camping friends' to a dance or a boat trip are printed not only in French or Italian or Spanish, - 和邀請露營朋友參加舞會、乘船觀光的招貼不僅印成法語、意大利語、西班牙語,

Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. - 有組織的露營活動的明顯發展是否意味著較獨立的自我封閉式露營的最終消失,還很難說。

The Native Americans caught and trained them and were then able to use them to carry their goods when they travelled from one camping ground to another. - 美洲土著人捕捉野馬,加以馴服。

Many families spend this at a cottage by the seaside or go camping in the hills or on the coast. - 許多家庭會在海濱的小屋裡度過這段時光,或到小山坡上或在海岸邊野營度假。


camping hygiene - 宿營衛生

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