moonish['mu:niʃ]adj. 反覆無常的;如月的
moonish 如月的;月亮似的 詳細;反覆無常的;capricious chameleonic crotchety inconstant moonish 反覆無常的;i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart 我知道你從沒有責備我那驕傲和多變的心;我知道你從沒有責備我那驕傲和多變的心。;我知道你對我驕傲易變的心不會有任何責備;我知道你不會責備我那顆孤傲而多變的心;
1.One of the 3 biggest holidays in Taiwan. Japanese also celebrate this festival with moonish rice dumpling (pictured). 日本人也慶祝中秋節,吃「月見糰子」(左邊的相片)。
2.But hope government can from set out actually, less to income net shop executes policy to tilt, than moonish income how many under OK and duty-free etc. 但希望政府能從實際出發,對收入較少的網店實行政策傾斜,比如月收入多少之下可以免稅等等。
3.Moonish season, cuckoo, sweet-scented osmanthus, sago cycas belong to cold-resistant plant, although temperature is a few lower, general also but peacefully hibernate; 如月季、杜鵑、桂花、鐵樹等屬於耐寒型植物,即使溫度低一些,一般也可安然過冬;