MSP[,em es 'pi:]abbr. 蒸汽總管(Main Steam Pipe);消息發送協議(Message Send Protocol);管理服務提供商(Management Service Provider)
MSP methylation specific PCR;Magnesium Silicate Polymer;mini square PACkage;微量分光光度計;MSP MultiplexSectionProtection 多路傳輸區保護;MSP ModuleSystemProgram 模塊系統程序;MSP MessageSecurityProtocol 報文安全協議【因特網;MSP MassStorageProcessor 大容量處理器;
1.Use msp format to format the Memory Stick logically. 格式記憶棒使用任何用處。
2.Then, based on this definition, an efficient construction of the multiplicative MSP for a Q2 adversary structure is given. 基於該定義,給出了Q2攻擊結構下環上積性MSP的有效構造。
3.Mulberry shoot powder(MSP) is rich in cellulose and lignin, which can remove heavy metal cations from aqueous solution by adsorption. 桑枝粉富含纖維素和木質素,具有吸附去除廢水中重金屬離子的功能。