





v. allege ,read ,state ,suppose


say[sei]vt. 講;說明;例如;聲稱;假設;指明vi. 講;表示;念;假定;背誦


Say 說你,就我;薩伊;你說;和你周圍的人說話;say no 拜託我的女朋友;將我的女朋友交付給你;拜託我的女友;說不;Say Anything 情到深處;暢所欲言樂團;說什麼;隨意說;say what 說什麼;你說什麼?;說了什麼;傳播什麼;U say U之自白書;U 之自白書;


1.Please say it clearly and simply. 請簡明扼要地說清你的意思。

2.What then shall we say to this? 面對這一切,我們可說什麼呢?

3.I suggest you do what we say. 我建議妳按照我們說的去做。


Sorry, I have to say good-bye. - 我不得不說再見了。

My wife wanted me to say thanks to you for your gift last time. - 我妻子要我帶她謝謝你上次送的禮物。

I must say the products in Shanghai have improved very much in the past ten years. - 我得承認上海的產品這十年來進步了很多。

You may well say so. - 你可以這麼說。

Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. - 然後,閉上眼睛念魔語。

You didn't say the magic words. - 你沒有念魔語。

I just want to say that I'm proud of her. - 我只要說,我為她感到驕傲。

What would you say is the most popular sport in your country, Mr. Lu? - 陸先生,你們國家什麼運動最流行?

I say forget about the whole plan. - 要我說,還是把整個計劃忘掉吧。

My friends say I'm a real party animal. - 我的朋友說我是個聚會迷。

She called to say the plane was delayed. - 她打電話回來, 告訴我們飛機誤點。

Well, what do you say we get back to our fishing? - 你們說, 我們回去釣魚怎樣?

Betty, you had it, but you didn't say it. - Betty你知道答案, 但是你沒有說出來。

Well, they didn't say anything for sure. - 嗯, 他們沒有任何確切的答覆。

When I say something, I mean it. - 我說的一定會兌現。

... I mean that when I say I care, - ……我的意思是當我說 我關心 時

If you say so. - 既然你這麼說。

Could you please say that again? - 能再重複一遍嗎?

Now may I please say hello? - 現在我可以說聲哈嘍了嗎?

Did she say why she had to leave today? - 她說了她為什麼今天非走不可嗎?

I'd like to say something first. - 我想先說幾句話。

what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. - 紐約時報的那個人會說些什麼。

Could you please say it again? - 你能重複一下嗎?

They say it's going to rain tomorrow. - 據說明天有雨。

I'm sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. - 對不起,這兒好像有個錯。

I wouldn't say that. - 我並不那麼忍為。

You can say that again. - 你說的一點沒錯。

Nonsense! How can you say that and keep a straight face? - 胡說八道!你怎麼能不動聲色說那些話呢?

You say that many big companies act unscrupulously, but can you give me one example? - 你說許多大公司不擇手段,你能舉個例子嗎?

Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good. - 專家說偶爾喝杯經酒對身體很有好處。

You can say he's more of a politician than a statesman. - 你可以說他更像政客而不像政治家。

I just stopped by to say hello. - 我只是順路過來問個好。

It's kind of you to say that. - 非常感激你那麼說。

How do you say that in English? - 那個用英語怎麼說?

What you say makes no sense. - 你說的話毫無道理。

It was dumb of you to say that. - 你說那種話真的是太愚蠢了。

If you don't like it, I whis you would say so. - 如果你不喜歡,我希望你能說出來。

If you don't think it's any good, Please say so. - 如果你認為寫得不好,請照實說。

Very good. But, unless I miss my guess, you should say something about your family, too. - 非常好,但是我除非我想錯了,不然你應該談談你的家庭。

I hope you won't take offense, But will accept what I say here as some fatherly advice. - 我希望你不要反感,能夠接受我這父親般的建議。

He will say so, and you may disagree with him too - politely, of course! - 你也可能會不同意他的看法——當然,你應該禮貌地告訴他。

She says she loves me, but my relatives say she is just after my money. - 她說她愛我,但是我的親友說她只是想要我的錢。

I didn't hesitate to say it. - 我毫不猶豫地把它講了出來。

Well, I'd probably say you should think about it seriously. - 哦,我可能會對你說,你應該認真考慮一下你的決定。

I must say that I'm a little at a loss as to how to introduce them. - 我必須表明對於如何介紹他們,我有點不知所措。

I wanted to say at first the tall one, or the one with blond hair. - 剛開始我會介紹說金髮的。

He didn't say anything as to where he would go. - 關於他的去處他什麼也沒說。

Just a short line to say thanks. - 隻言片語聊表謝意。

Could you say it again? - 你能再說一遍嗎?

What did he say in the letter? - 他在信裡說什麼了?


n.細胞凝集檢測方法 - cellular agglutination as say

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