unsecured liabilities 無抵押債務;無擔保負債;無抵押債務 財經;unsecured obligation 無抵押的負債;無抵押的負債 財經;unsecured rivets 鉚釘不牢;time loan unsecured 定期信用放款;unsecured 無擔保的;無抵押;不保險的;未包裝好的;
1.Copenhagen Interbank Rate, the rate at which the banks lend the Danish Krone on an unsecured basis. 哥本哈根銀行同業拆借率,是銀行在不安全的基礎上貸出丹麥克朗的利率。
2.An unsecured bond is called a debenture bond; its value rest upon the general credit of the corporation. 無擔保的債券稱為信用債券,它的價值取決於公司的一般信用等級。
3.Danger spots: Stay away from windows, hanging objects, mirrors, fireplaces, and tall, unsecured pieces of furniture. 危險區:應遠離窗戶、懸掛物件、鏡子、壁爐以及較高的未固定傢俱。
4.All the balances with related companies were unsecured, non-interest bearing and repayable within the granted credit terms. 所有與有關連公司之間的結餘均屬無抵押,免息及須於獲授的信貸期內償還。
5.The enemy never monitors your radio frequency until you broad_cast on an unsecured channel. 在你使用不安全的頻道發佈之前,敵人都不會監聽你的無線電頻率。