ventilativeadj. 通風的;換氣的
ventilative 通風的;換氣的;通風;ventilated ventilative 通風的;ventilative diving 通風式潛水;ventilative diving equipment 通風式潛水設備;通風式潛水裝具;medical security of ventilative diving 通風式潛水醫務保障;
1.When you are about to smoke, be sure the windows are open, or the room is ventilative. Many people don't like the fume. 當你要吸煙的時候,確保窗戶是打開的,或者房間的通風狀態良好。許多人不喜歡煙味。
2.Storage: Recommended store in dry and ventilative place, guard against damp; deep far from fire and heat. Warranty period: 2 years. 儲存:建議儲存在乾燥通風的地方,防潮,遠離火和高溫,保持期:2年。
3.The label is no longer simply ventilative function for needlework, and shapes, or even some of the products you want to include the pranotion strickle unshrould award, and more. 標籤不再只是簡單的瓶貼作用,要求更具立體感,且形狀多變,甚至有些產品需要包含刮開式有獎促銷等信息。