





n. adhesive agent ,adhesive material


a. nonadhesive


adhesive[əd'hi:siv]n. 粘合劑;膠黏劑adj. 粘著的;帶粘性的


adhesive 粘合劑;黏結劑;膠水;膠合劑;adhesive paper 膠粘紙;膠水紙;粘紙;不干膠紙;adhesive capacity 粘著能力;膠粘度;粘附能力;粘附量;adhesive faec 膠粘劑面;膠粘劑面:;膠粘劑面-;contact adhesive 接觸型膠粘劑;壓合式粘合劑;萬能膠;接觸粘劑;


1.A square centimeter of this synthetic adhesive can bear the weight of an 18-kilogram bag of potatoes. 一平方厘米的這種合成粘合劑能承受的重量相當於一袋18公斤的馬鈴薯。

2.Introduces the hydraulic pressure strain device strain and protect the adhesive tape of strap machine, and introduces the form of device. 介紹了液壓自動拉緊裝置在下運帶式輸送機中對輸送帶的張緊及保護作用及裝置組成。

3.Regarding the floor installation we advise the use of conductive adhesive types which let electrostatic charges pass, in order to insulate the floor. 關於地面的安裝,我們建議使用導電(或「帶傳導的」)粘合劑類型的膠水,可以讓電流通過,使地面絕緣。


pill and powder and adhesive plaster and dan - 丸散膏丹

adhesive organ - 固著器官

cottonlining adhesive plaster - 布基橡皮膏

chronic adhesive otitis media - 慢性粘連性中耳炎

sterile adhesive plaster - 無菌橡皮膏

sterile adhesive plaster - 無菌絆創膏

spreading machine for adhesive plaster - 橡皮膏塗料機

in vivo adhesive plateles - 活體內粘附性血小板

dried rhizome of adhesive rehmannia; radix rehmanniae; rehmannia root - 生地

n. adhesive property - 粘合性能

adhesive defomation - 粘性變形

adhesive end; sticky end - 粘性末端

adhesive absorbent gauze - 粘性脫脂紗布

adhesive tenosynovitis - 粘著性腱鞘炎

adhesive cell; colloblst - 粘著細胞

adhesive aggregation - 粘聚

adhesive wax; sticky wax - 粘蠟

adhesive type - 粘連型

adhesive band - 粘連帶

adhesive pericarditis - 粘連性心包炎

adhesive arachnoiditis - 粘連性蛛網膜炎

n. adhesive property - 粘附性質

n. adhesive wear - 粘附磨損

adhesive plaster; adhesiveplaster; strapping plaster; surgical plaster - 絆創膏

adhesive capsulitis; frozen shoulder - 肩關節凍結症

adhesive plaster; adhesiveplaster - 膠布

immobilization with adhesive tape - 膠布固定

adhesive bandage - 膠布繃帶

skin adhesive cup - 膠態安息香試驗

n. adhesive strength - 膠粘強度

adhesive plaster; adhesiveplaster; poultice - 膏藥

adhesive force - 附著力

adhesive plaster of musk - 麝香膏


n.醋酸纖維素橡皮膠 - acetate cellulose adhesive

n.慢性粘連性中耳炎 - chronic adhesive otitis media

n.全口義齒附著劑 - complete denture adhesive

n.布基橡皮膏 - cottonlining adhesive plaster

牙科粘膠,牙襯粘膠 - denture adhesive

n.生地 - dried rhizome of adhesive rehmannia

n.膠布固定 - immobilization with adhesive tape

n.活體內粘附性血小板 - in vivo adhesive plateles

n.醫用粘合膠 - medical adhesive

n.丸散膏丹 - pill and powder and adhesive plaster and dan

橡皮膏 - rubber adhesive plaster

n.膠態安息香試驗 - skin adhesive cup

n.橡皮膏塗料機 - spreading machine for adhesive plaster

n.無菌絆創膏,無菌橡皮膏 - sterile adhesive plaster

組織粘 - tissue adhesive


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