





n. feeding


eating['i:tiŋ]adj. 侵蝕的;可生食的;進餐用的n. 吃;食物v. 吃(eat的ing形式)


Eating 腐蝕;飲食;食物;侵蝕作用;Eating House 小吃店;飲食店;餐館;口腹店;Eating out 外出就餐;出外用膳;出去吃飯;下館子;eating habit 飲食習慣;eating maturily 食用成熟度;


1.My husband stops eating. 我丈夫停止吃飯。

2.I like eating tomatoes. 我喜歡吃西紅柿。

3.They are eating eggs. 他們正在吃雞蛋。


What's eating you? - 什麼正影響著你的情緒呢?

If you keep eating you'll be as big as a house. - 如果你一直吃下去,你會胖得像棟房子。

I really don't like eating chocolate first thing in the morning. - 我真的不太喜歡在早上把巧克力當作早點來吃。

Would you mind eating out this evening? - 你介意今晚上館子吃飯嗎?

Are you used to eating western food yet? - 你習慣吃西餐了嗎?

When you called me, I was eating dinner. - 當你打電話給了我時,我正在吃晚飯。

After eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again. - 在吃早餐以後,我再回樓上。

He is eating a lot. - 他吃了很多。

He is eating a little. - 他只吃了一點兒。

He has a very bad stomachache from eating too much. - 他因為吃得太多而導致胃痛。

Often and little eating makes a man fat. - 少吃多餐,身強體胖。

To read without reflection is like eating without digestion. - 學而不思,猶如食而不化。

I feel like eating an ice-cream. - 我想吃一個冰淇淋。

I can't help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence. - 我無論什麼時候一看到甜食就忍不住要吃。

but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, - 而是深受人們喜愛的食用魚品種,如鱈魚和鰩魚,只不過它們長得出奇地大,

you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water! - 或是選用價格昂貴、有機培植的蔬菜,或是當你認為在享用新鮮色拉和新鮮蔬菜或飲用一杯無害的水的時候,實際上每次都不斷吃進殺蟲劑。

For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have very hard indeed. - 對於過慣了一頓飯吃7道菜、睡亞麻細布床單的人來說,變換一下生活環境來到阿爾卑斯山山區,那一定是很艱難的。

When it is eating normally, its own training begins. - 當它進食正常了,訓練就開始。

He is used to eating out all the time. - 他已經習慣在外面吃飯了。

You're eating too much! - 你吃得太多!

I've never heard of that, Sir. Will the men enjoy eating it, Sir? - 我還從來沒聽說過這樣的事兒,先生。水手們會愛吃嗎,先生?

I shall insist that they do from now on. Eating cabbage will keep them healthy. - 我要他們從現在起就吃(醋泡白菜)。吃白菜會使他們的身體保持健康的。


eating reflex; fressreflex - 吃食反射

relapse due to eating fat - 食肉則復


過食症 - binge eating

n.妨礙飲食 - interfering with eating

n.谷疸 - jaundice due to immlderate eating

n.谷疸 - jaundice due to mmoderate eating

n.食肉則復 - relapse due to eating fat

n.吃起來乏味,不感興趣 - tasteles and uninterested in eating

n.食醫 - vomiting right after eating

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