





Increase priority by Success Priority Increase amount 增加優先權?;appreciable increase 可觀增長 財經;Across-the-board wage increase 全面調整工資;across-the-board pay increase 劃一加薪幅度;全面加薪;認收貨物;Boast swims on the west 3 bewitching increase a point 大話西遊3妖加點;


1.Every increase in hourly wages, unless or until compensated by an equal increase in hourly productivity, is an increase in costs of production. 小時工資每次調升,便會使產品成本上升,除非或直到能從單位小時的勞動生產率的等量增長中得到補償。

2.generous board products, structural tons of steel price increase of 600 yuan, boiler plate containers increase 600 yuan, 800 yuan increase in SHIP. 寬厚板產品中,結構鋼噸價上調600元,鍋爐容器板上調600元,船板上調800元。

3.Ratio of commonality payout will increase 0. 6293 percent as ratio of urbanization increase 1 percent, Ratio of commonality payout will increase with income disparity expanding. 城市化率每增加1個百分點,公共財政支出比重就增加0。6293個百分點,且公共財政支出比重隨收入差距擴大而增大。

4.Carbon deposits will decrease engine efficiency, increase fuel consumption, increase octane needs, and increase hydrocarbon pollution. 增加積碳累積,減低引擎的效率,增加油料,增加燃料需求量,更加速環境污染。

5.In general, smaller grain size and greater angularity tend to increase the porosity while an increase in range of particle size tends to decrease porosity. 通常,顆粒越小曲率越大孔隙度越大,而當顆粒尺寸增大時孔隙度會減小。


If I move jobs I can increase my salary, my time with the family will be reduced, however. - 如果我換工作的話,薪水會漲,但是我陪家人的時間會減少。

Bicycle theft is on the increase in the big cities. - 大城市裡盜竊自行車的案件與日俱增。

Don't count on a salary increase this year. - 別指望今年會給你加薪。

We must work out some plan to increase our sales. - 我們必須制定一些計劃來提高銷售成績。

The increase in sales is being maintained. - 銷售額持續增長。

The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices. - 薪水的提高比率和物價的上升一致。

We can offer you a price of 8 pounds per item, from 20 days, after which the price will be subject to an increase of 5%. - 我們給您報價每件8英鎊,有效期20天,過期價格增加5%。

Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases. - 愛情像月亮,不營即虧。

The enormous increase of population will create many problems. - 巨大的人口增長將產生很多問題。

Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. - 人一旦能用語言同別人交流思想,知識的積累便開始了。

I understand you want to increase your order. - 我知道你想增加訂購量。

How much did you want to increase your order. - 你的訂量要增加多少?

We're sorry, but we 've had a slight price increase here. - 真抱歉,不過我們出只漲了一點點而已。

We've had to increase our prices on this item by just 8%. - 這一種我們不得已也只加了8%而已。

We can't handle these price increase of yours. - 我們沒辦法接受你們提高價錢。

There was a good talk about the increase in the world's population. - 有個關於世界人口增長的談話,很不錯。

However, in recent times the old-age pension has only been paid to the poorest people because there has been an increase in the number of people out of work.189 - 然而陽近一段時間,老年養老金只付給那些最窮的人,因為失業的人數一直在增長。


n. temperature increase by plastic working - 塑性加工引起的溫度上升

n. increase roll bending - 增大軋制彎曲度

increase resistsnt system - 增進抵抗力系統

increase in density - 密度增高

increase of circulating anticoagulant - 循環抗凝劑增多

acute increase in intraocular pressure - 急性眼壓增高

n. temperature increase by plastic working - 由塑性加工引起的升溫

n. increase roll bending - 遞增軋輥彎曲

increase milkvetch root up to 5Og - 重用黃芪至5o克


n.急性眼壓增高 - acute increase in intraocular pressure

流量增加 - flow increase

浸潤並增加 - infiltration and increase

身材遞增定律,體型增大法則 - law of increase in size

自然增長 - natural increase

反應增強現象,RI現象 - response increase

輕度提高 - slight increase

社會性增長 - social increase

n.增長速度 - velocity of increase

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