n. carry amelia moore nation ,commonwealth ,country ,land
nationsn. 國家(nation的複數)
Nations 部落;國家;地上萬民;United Nations 聯合國;聯合國;聯合國總部;國際連合;Syracuse Nations 錫拉丘茲民族隊;錫拉丘茲平易近族隊;Elven Nations 精靈國度三部曲;精靈國度系列;And Nations 各自為政;和國家;都各自為政;
1.Different nations have different levels of technology. 不同的國家的科技水平不同。
2.Most nations derive from a single tribe or a single race. 大多數國家起源於單一的部落或單一的種族。
3.Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations. 這裡不僅是一個國家,而是許多國家豐富的總和。
The rich few nations of this world take up the vast majority of the wealth and resources. - 少數幾個富裕的國家佔有了大多數的財富和資源。
After graduation, Mr. Jones immediately became a member of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. - 畢業後瓊斯先生就加入了聯合國救濟善後總署。
The United Nations conference is projected for next year. - 聯合國大會預定明年召開。
and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe -- - 以及觀眾身後各個國家的態度。面對著這些荒唐的比賽,參賽的各個國家會如癡如狂,甚至煞有介事地相信 --
united nations dlsaster relief office - 聯合國救災處
united nations environmental program - 聯合國環境保護規劃
n.聯合國 - united nations
麻藥及親向精神劑的不正取引取締聯合條紋 - United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
n.聯合國救災處 - united nations dlsaster relief office
n.聯合國環境保護規劃 - united nations environmental program