sperm-[spə:m]comb.form[用於元音字母前]表示「精子」,「精液」,「種子」( = spermo-):spermine
quantitative tests for sperm mo-tility 精子活力的定量試驗;SIFT sperm intra-fallopian transfer 精子輸卵管內移植;sperm-agglutinin 釋義:精子凝集素(動);Sperm-Antibody ELISA 抗精子抗體;sperm-egg binding 精卵結合;釋義:精卵結合;
1.Sex selection by manipulating the conditions of sperm-oocytes fertilization would be one of the most practicable and widely used methods. 控制受精環境即可控制性別,這種方法不需昂貴的儀器設備或者藥品,易實踐,可普遍應用,其經濟效益和社會效益難以估量。
2.To perform the work, the team first created a transgenic breed of mice in which sperm-producing stem cells were labelled with a fluorescent marker. 為了執行這項工作,該團隊首先創造了一種轉基因鼠,在它的體內,產生精子的干細胞被貼上了螢光標記。
3.Sperm-cervical mucus and anti sperm antibody testing are indicated when PCTs are repeatedly abnormal, despite normal-appearing cervical mucus and normal semen analysis. 當PCT重複異常但宮頸黏液和精液分析正常時需要做精液-宮頸黏液和抗精子抗體的檢查。