unpaid donation 未付捐贈;未付捐增;unpaid consul 名譽領事;Unpaid invoices 未付款發票;未付款;Unpaid others 其他應交款:;combined status of pledges unpaid 未交認捐款總情況;
1.Any amount owed past 90 days is subject to an unpaid monthly balance penalty calculated as 2% of the unpaid balance. 如果有一批貨款欠賬超過90天,每月按未付款項的2%的罰款計算。
2.Paid or unpaid internships and apprenticeships are other ways for interpreters and translators to get started. 有薪或無薪實習和學徒的其他方式的口譯和筆譯即可開始使用。
3.Any taxes, debts and other unpaid expenses owed by a missing person shall defrayed by the custodian out of the missing person's property. 失蹤人所欠稅款、債務和應付的其他費用,由代管人從失蹤人的財產中支付。
4.As I interviewed people who are known in demographics as "unpaid caregivers, " I thought I'd hear a few logistical hints. 當我參訪了那些在人口中為「無報酬照顧者「時,我想自己會聽到了一些後勤上的提示。
5.If you work for a company that has 15 employees or more, you are going to be eligible for family and medical leave, which guarantees you 12 weeks of unpaid leave and a job when you return. 如果你是為一家擁有15人或者以上職員的公司工作,你就會有資格去請家庭或者是醫療病假,它能保證你有12周無薪假期和回來時還有工作。