glandulae preputiales 釋義:包皮腺;glandulae serosa 釋義:漿液腺;glandulae tracheales 釋義:氣管腺;glandulae sebaceae 釋義:皮脂腺;glandulae praeputiales 釋義:包皮腺;
1.Acne is a chronic inflammation of glandulae sebaceae in hair follicle. When the glandulae sebaceae and pore are blocked, and the sebum can not flow smoothly, acne will occur. 痤瘡是一種毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症,因皮脂腺管與毛孔的堵塞,致使皮脂外流不暢所致。
areolar glands; cyst of montgomerys glands; glandulae areolares - 乳暈腺
lobes of mammary gland; lobi glandulae mammariae - 乳腺葉
lobule of mammary gland; lobuli glandulae mammariae - 乳腺小葉
endocrine gland; endocrine glands; glandulae sine ductibus; incretory glands - 內分泌腺
glandulae vestibulares minores; lesser vestibular glands - 前庭小腺
accessory lacrimal glands; glandulae lacrimales accessoriae - 副淚腺
accessory suprarenal glands; glandulae suprarenales accessoriae - 副腎上腺
glandulae preputiales; preputial glands; tysons glands - 包皮腺
duodenal glands; duodenalglands; glandulae duodenales - 十二指腸腺
glandulae labiales oris; labial glands of mouth - 口唇腺
glandulae pharyngeae; pharyngeal glands - 咽腺
glands of auditorry tube; glandulae tubariae - 咽鼓管腺
glandulae salivariae majores; great salivary glands - 大唾液腺
glandulae urethrae femininae; urethral glands of female - 女尿道腺
glandulae uterinae; uterine glands - 子宮腺
glands of cervix; glandulae cervicales uteri - 子宮頸腺
glandulae saliviae minores; small salivary glands - 小唾液腺
duct of bulbourethral gland; ductus glandulae bulbourethralis - 尿道球腺管
glandulae urethrales; urethral glands - 尿道腺
bartholins gland greater vestibular gland; bartholins glands; glandulae vestibularis major - 巴多林氏腺
glandulae glomiformes; glomerate glands; glomiform glands - 球腺
glandulae parathyroideae; parathyroid; parathyroid glands; parathyroidglands - 甲狀旁腺
isthmus glandulae thyroideae; isthmus of thyroid gland - 甲狀腺峽
glandulae sebaceae; sebaceous gland; sebaceous glands - 皮脂腺
cutaneous glands; glandulae cutis - 皮腺
glandulae molares; molar glands - 磨牙腺
conjunctival glands; glandulae conjunctivale - 結膜腺
lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae; pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland - 維狀葉
anal glands; circumanal glands.; glandulae circumanales - 肛腺
glandulae intestinales; intestinal glands; intestinalglands - 腸腺
adrenal cortex; cortex glandulae suprarenalis - 腎上腺皮質
adrenal medulla; medulla glandulae suprarenalis - 腎上腺髓質
glandulae vesicales - 膀胱腺
anterior lingual glands; apical glands of tongue; glandulae linguales anteriores - 舌尖腺
glandulae linguales; lingual glands - 舌腺
glandulae urethrales urethrae masculinae; morgagnis glands; morgagnis urethral glands - 莫爾加尼氏腺
buccal galnds; glandulae buccales - 頰腺
esophageal glands; glandulae esophageae - 食道腺
n.腎上腺皮質 - cortex glandulae suprarenalis
淚腺洩 - ductuli excretorii glandulae lacrimalis
n.尿道球腺管 - ductus glandulae bulbourethralis
淚腺窩 - fossa glandulae lacrimalis
n.甲狀腺峽 - isthmus glandulae thyroideae
n.乳腺葉 - lobi glandulae mammariae
n.乳腺小葉 - lobuli glandulae mammariae
n.維狀葉 - lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae
n.腎上腺髓質 - medulla glandulae suprarenalis
甲狀腺提肌 - musculus levator glandulae thyroideae