Lorelein. 羅蕾萊(德國文學及傳說中的女妖)
Lorelei 羅蕾萊;洛勒萊;暴風女神;羅累萊;Nightmare Lorelei 惡夢妖精;T Lorelei 華麗搖滾;厄運金屬;Die Lorelei 羅蕾萊之歌;
1.and the story is about a man, who lost his lovely wife is their house, the only witness is their dog, Lorelei. 內容是敘述一位男人,他心愛的妻子在家中死了,唯一的目擊證人是他們的狗,蘿麗。
2.Along the way, they encounter a firefly ([[Wriggle Nightbug]]) and a night sparrow ([[Mystia Lorelei|Mystia]]), who are quickly defeated. 在路上,他們輕易地擺平了螢火蟲妖怪([[莉格露]])和夜雀妖怪([[米斯蒂婭·蘿蕾拉]]),隨後遇到了半獸人[[上白澤慧音]]。
3.His most famous piece, however, is probably the Radetzky March whereas his most famous waltz is probably the Lorelei Rhine Kl?nge op. 15
4. 他最著名的作品是《拉德茨基進行曲》,最著名的圓舞曲是《萊茵河女妖羅蕾萊》(作品第154號)。