oceanfront['əuʃənfrʌnt]n. 海濱
oceanfront 海濱;濱海地帶;沿海地帶;Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront 希爾頓弗吉尼亞海灘海濱酒店;Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront 希爾頓墨爾本海灘海濱酒店;Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront 希爾頓可可海灘海濱酒店;Hilton Singer Island Oceanfront Resort 希爾頓辛格島海濱度假村;
1.Remember that half the park is oceanfront -- take time to swim, hike, and bird watch. 請記住在這裡的一半還是海濱公園—有時間可以來此游泳、攀巖、看各種珍奇的鳥兒 。
2.Southall will live for free in an airy, three-bedroom oceanfront villa with a private pool and sweeping views of the surrounding islands. 索撒爾將在他通風的,三居室的海濱別墅裡自由自在地生活,擁有一個私人的小水池並且可以對周圍的海島一覽無餘。
3.Southall will live for free in an airy, three-bedroom oceanfront villa with a private pool and sweeping views of the surrounding islands. 索瑟爾將免費入住一幢空氣清新的海濱別墅。別墅有三間臥室,一個私人泳池,周圍小島的美景一覽無遺。