n. holding ,keeping ,memory ,retentiveness
retention[ri'tenʃən]n. 保留;扣留,滯留;記憶力;[醫]閉尿
retention 自留額;保持;提留;保留;customer retention 顧客維繫/保留;客戶保留;顧客保留;客戶保持;selective retention 選擇性保留;選擇性記憶;選擇性保留;選擇性記憶;retention money 保留金;工程累積保證金;保留款項;保證金;retention rate (承租人的)留購率;保留率;繼續服役率,服役期滿不退役的比例;留存比率;
1.Security and data retention. 安全和數據保存。
2.The bonuses were retention payments. 紅利是保留性支付。
3.After your nap, repeat the memory technique once more for maximum retention. 小睡一會兒後,再一次重複這一技巧以求最大化記憶。
postpartum retention of urine - 產後尿瀦留
recurrent fluid retention syndrome - 伏飲
average retention rate in body - 體內平均滯留率
average retention rate in body - 體內平衡
retention volume - 保留體積
retention increment - 保留值增量
retention ratio - 保留值比
retention forecasting - 保留值預測
retention analysis; retentionanalysis - 保留分析
retention parameter - 保留參數
retention constant - 保留常數
retention property - 保留性能
retention index - 保留指數
retention data - 保留數據
retention time - 保留時間
retention time counter - 保留時間計數器
retention mechanism - 保留機理
retention temperature - 保留溫度
retention enema; retentionenema - 保留灌腸
retention characteristic - 保留特性
retention behavior - 保留行為
retention process - 保留過程
retention order - 保留順序
noxious retention theory - 免疫有害保持學說
net retention volume - 淨保留體積
net retention time - 淨保留時間
functional group retention index - 功能團保留指數
initial retention volume - 初期保留體積
initial retention time - 初期保留時間
final retention volume - 後期保留體積
final retention time - 後期保留時間
retention form - 固位形
retention mesh - 固位網
retention and incontinence of urine and feces - 固洩
retention of feces - 大便停滯
retention of pregnancy products - 妊娠產物遺留
retention cyst of cervix - 子宮頸瀦囊腫
functional retention index - 官能團保留指數
syndrome resulting from the retention of phlegm - 宿痰
retention of cold and fluid in the middle-jiao - 寒滯中焦
retention of urine; uroschesis - 尿瀦留
total retention volume - 總保留體積
retention of afterbirth - 息胞
lochiostasis; retention of lochia - 惡露不下
fluid retention in the hypochondrium; pleural effusion - 懸飲
uncorrected retention volume - 未校正保留體積
corrected retention volume; corrected trtention volume - 校正保留體積
corrected retention time - 校正保留時間
missed labor; retention of dead fetus - 死胎不下
retention of dead fetus - 死胎滯留
n.絕對保留體積 - absolute retention volume
n.調整保留時間 - adjusted retention time
n.調整保留體積 - adjusted retention volume
n.表觀保留時間 - apparent retention time
n.表觀保留體積 - apparent retention volume
n.體內平衡,體內平均滯留率 - average retention rate in body
體內保留 - body retention
n.二氧化碳儲留,二氧化碳瀦留 - carbon dioxide retention
n.脂肪蓄積係數 - coefficient of fat retention
完全尿瀦留 - complete urinary retention
n.校正保留時間 - corrected retention time
n.校正保留體積 - corrected retention volume
n.痰飲咳嗽 - cough due to retention of phlegm
n.乳牙滯留 - deciduous tooth retention
義齒維持 - dental prosthesis retention
義齒固位,托牙固位 - denture retention
直接維持 - direct retention
n.痰飲眩暈 - diziness due to retention of phlegm
n.停飲眩暈 - dizziness due to fluid retention
n.痰飲眩暈 - dizziness due to retention of phlegm
n.鴿尾固位形 - dovetail retention form
n.後期保留時間 - final retention time
n.後期保留體積 - final retention volume
n.體液瀦留,停飲 - fluid retention
n.懸飲 - fluid retention in the hypochondrium
n.四飲 - four types of waer retention
n.四飲,四診 - four types of water retention
n.功能團保留指數 - functional group retention index
n.官能團保留指數 - functional retention index
n.胃瀦留 - gastric retention
保暖性,貯熱能力 - heat retention
n.激素性鈉瀦留 - hormonal sodium retention
n.停飲脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to fluid retention
n.食積脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to retention of food
n.痰飲脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to retention of phlegm
n.司開闔,主開闔 - in charge of discharge and retention
間接維持 - indirect retention
n.靛青綠滯留試驗 - indocyanine green retention test
n.利尿逐飲 - induce diuresis to reduce fluid retention
n.利尿逐飲 - inducing diuresis to reduce fluid retention
n.食瘧 - inermittent fever due to retention of food
n.小兒食積 - infantile indigestion with food retention
腹股溝停留 - inguinal retention
n.初期保留時間 - initial retention time
n.初期保留體積 - initial retention volume
機械保留,人口維持 - mechanical retention
n.粘液滯留性囊腫 - mucous retention cyst
n.淨保留時間 - net retention time
n.淨保留體積 - net retention volume
非氨基氮 - non-amputation affected leg retention operation