





shopping['ʃɔpiŋ]n. 購物,買東西v. 購物(shop的ing形式)


Shopping 購物;詢價採購;買東西;設備;shopping center 市場,購物中心;購物中心;商業中心;大型購物中心;Christmas Shopping 聖誕節購物;聖誕採購;聖誕購物;shopping block 商場大廈;商場大廈 房屋地政;shopping circuit 購物迴廊;購物迴廊 房屋地政;購物迴廊;


1.Do you like shopping at flea markets? 你喜歡在跳蚤市場買東西嗎?

2.Mother went shopping meanwhile I cleaned the house. 媽媽去購物胡其間我打掃了房間。

3.I like those shopping centers where you can enjoy background music. 我喜歡那些能夠欣賞到背景音樂的購物中心。


People are busy shopping and wrapping presents for relatives and friends before Christmas Eve. - 在聖誕節前夜,人們忙著為親朋好友買東西、包禮物。

Where are the shopping carts? - 購物車在哪兒?

Big jobs--factories, shopping malls. - 大的工程 ,工廠 ,大型購物中心。

I ofter go shopping during National Day holiday. - 我經常是在國慶節購物。

Many shopping malls and supermarkets can deliver goods straight to your door. - 許多購物中心和超市提供免費送貨上門服務。

He really hates shopping but he goes anyway, and take his medicine like man. - 他實在討厭買東西,但還是硬著頭皮去了。

Will you go shopping with me? - 你跟我去買東西嗎?

I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes. - 我要去購物,因為我需要買一些衣服。

Let's make a date to go shopping next Thursday. - 讓我們確定下星期四去購物的時間。

I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. - 我想能否在我們訪問結束時為我們安排一點時間購物。

I will be shopping in New York in June. - 我將在六月份在紐約購物。

I'm making a shopping list, Tom. - 我在寫購物單,湯姆。

However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. - 然而上星期我正要出去買東西時,發現它正呆在花園裡邊靠門的地方。

Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry. - 鄉里人進城採購欣喜若狂,每次回家時都買足了外來商品,直到拿不動方才罷休,連走路都搖搖晃晃的。

Her shopping had tired her and her basket ad grown heavier with every step of the way home. - 去商店買東西把她搞得筋疲力盡;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手裡的籃子又重了一點。

when she remembered that she had gone shopping after the home help had left and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks, - 但突然記起來了,幫手是在她出去買東西之前走的,她還記得曾用了兩把鑰匙把大門鎖上了。

I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. - 我想能否在我們訪問結束時為我們安排一點時間購物。

Certainly. Do you have the shopping basket? - 當然可以。你拿購物籃了嗎?

One day, Mrs. King asked Lucy to go shopping for her. - 一天,金太太叫露西幫她去買東西。

Here is a shopping list so you won't forget anything, she said. - 「這是購貨單,這樣你便不會遺漏什麼東西,」她說。

That wasn't very clever! And you'd better take the shopping basket with you, too! said Mother. - 「那是不夠明智的!你最好順便把購物籃子也帶去!」媽媽說。

In the shop, Lucy got all the things on her shopping list, and took them home. - 在商店裡,露西把單上所列物品全買齊了,然後把它們帶回家。

Maybe we could go shopping this evening. - 或許我們可以今晚去買東西。

I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank. - 我建議我們一塊去買,找個好看的水箱。

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