





central processing unit central processor 中央處理機;Central Acropolis 中央阿科羅普利斯;Acton Central 艾頓中央站;The Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Behavioral Sensitization on Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System in Methamphetamine Self-Administrated Rats 探討大白鼠慢性餵食甲基安非他命誘發行為敏感化的中樞和周邊神經系統中細胞及分子變化之機制,;Gotham Central 高譚重案組;高譚市重案組;


1.Xiaoping Island project has varied property management forms, including Central Living District (CLD), Central Villa District (CVD) and Central Entertainment District (CED). 小平島項目包含了多種物業形式,分別為:中央居住區(CLD)、中央別墅區(CVD)、中央旅遊休閒區(CED)。

2.There is no central memory, no central command, no central being. 沒有中央記憶,沒有中央指令,沒有中央存在。

3.The guiding gear's central line must be vertical with the central point of the roller's central axle line. 起重機的導向輪中心線必須垂直於卷揚機捲筒中心軸線的中心點。

4.A vast plain of south-central South America. The Pampas extend for about1, 610 km(1, 000 mi) from the lower Paran River to south-central Argentina. 潘帕斯草原南美洲中南部的大平原。潘帕斯草原從較低的巴拉那河到阿享蒂帕中南部延伸大約1,610公里(1,000英里)

5.the lower section has a central secretaire drawer fitted with a satinwood interior of small drawers, pigeon holes and small central cupboard, the cupboards below fitted with wide sliding shelves; 下游有中央秘書抽屜配有緞木內飾的小抽屜,鴿子洞和小型中央櫃,下面的櫥櫃安裝全滑動貨架;


Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West. - 啊哈 高高飄浮在中央公園西路上空前進

I planned to take you for a ride in Central Park - 我原打算帶你去中央公園

You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station. - 你能趕上開往Grand Central Station的十點二十分班車。

Are there any other amenities which you would like to have? For example, a dishwasher, a balcony, a swimming pool or central air conditioning? - 你要求有什麼設施呢?例如,洗碗機、陽台、泳池或者空調?

That house is for sale. It has central heating. - 此房出售,房子裡有供暖設備。

That house is for sale.It has central heating. - 那幢房子是待售的,它有中央暖氣系統。

Are most of the lakes located in the north central region? - 大多數湖位於向北中央的區域嗎?

You need to transfer at central station. - 你必須在中央車站換車。

Grand Central Station, please. I want to try to catch a 6:00 train. - 請到中央火車站。我要趕六點的火車。

In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created, reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and across three avenues. - 1858年拆除了一大片破舊的房屋、工廠和農舍,建起了中央公園,這個公園從59街延伸到110街,跨越三條大馬路。


central incisor - 中切牙

central delay - 中區延擱

central intermediate grey matter; substantia grisea intermedia centralis - 中央中間灰質

central lacteal - 中央乳糜管

medial central nucleus; nucleus centralis medialis - 中央內側核

central fovea; centralfovea; fovea centralis; foveacentralis - 中央凹

central placenta previa; placenta praevia centralis - 中央前置胎盤

central artery - 中央動脈

central area syndrome - 中央區綜合征

central type - 中央型

central type carcinoma of lung - 中央型肺癌

central processor - 中央處理機

lateral central nucles; nucleus centralis lateralis - 中央外側核

central compartment - 中央室

central lobule; lobulus centralis - 中央小葉

ala lobuli centralis; ala of central lobule; wing of central lobule - 中央小葉翼

central cusp deformity - 中央尖畸形

central stratum - 中央層

central giant nucleus - 中央鉅細胞核

central zone - 中央帶

central microtubule - 中央微管

central chromatolvsis - 中央性核外染色質溶解

central perforation - 中央性穿孔

central rod - 中央柱

amphinucleus; central nucleus; centronucleus - 中央核

central sulcus; sulcus centralis - 中央溝

arteria sulci centralis; artery of central sulcus - 中央溝動脈

disappearence of central groove - 中央溝消失

central gray substance entocineria; substantia grisea centralis - 中央灰質

arteria centralis brevis; short central artery - 中央短動脈

central perforation - 中央穿孔

central fovea; centralfovea; fovea centralis; foveacentralis - 中央窩

canalis centralis; central canal - 中央管

central sheet - 中央管板

central fibril - 中央纖絲

central fiber - 中央纖維

central group - 中央群

central pneumonia - 中央肺炎

central gelatinous substance; substantia gelatinosa centralis - 中央膠狀質

central dislocation - 中央脫位

central tendon; centraltendon; centrum tendineum - 中央腱

central sheet - 中央薄板

central tegmental tract; tractus tegmentalis centralis - 中央被蓋束

central portion; pars centralis - 中央部

arteria centralis longa; long central artery - 中央長動脈

central veins; venae centrales - 中央靜脈

central sheath - 中央鞘

central bone; os centrale - 中央骨

central mansion point - 中府穴

central cataract - 中心內障


n.中央小葉翼 - ala of central lobule

n.前外側中央動脈 - anterolateral central arteries

n.前內側中央動脈 - anteromedial central arteries

n.前內側中央支 - anteromedial central branches

n.中央溝動脈 - artery of central sulcus

n.中央溝消失 - disappearence of central groove

自由中央胎盤 - free central placenta

n.中央外側核 - lateral central nucles

n.中央長動脈 - long central artery

下頜正中切齒 - lower central incisor

n.中心靜脈壓測定 - measurement of central venous pressure

n.中央內側核 - medial central nucleus

丘腦中間內側核 - medial central nucleus of thalamus

n.視崗膜中央動脈壓 - pressure of central artery of retina

n.乳中切牙 - primary central incisor

n.樣本中心矩 - sample central moment

n.中央短動脈 - short central artery

n.中樞神經梅毒 - syphilis of central nervous system

n.視網膜中央靜脈血栓形成,視網膜中央靜脈血栓 - thrombosis of central vein of retina

n.中樞遞質 - transmitter in central nervous system

n.中央小葉翼 - wing of central lobule

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