fiefdoms['fi:fdəm]n. 封地,采邑(等於fief)
1.During the Warring States Period (475—221 B. C. ), China was divided into seven fiefdoms. 在中國歷史上的戰國時期(公元前475—前221年),中國被劃分為七個諸侯國。
2.Battelle asks what went wrong historically with Yahoo, and if Yahoo culture of fiefdoms got in their way. 伯特立詢問雅虎之前出現過的問題,雅虎文化有沒有成為絆腳石。
3.Sun was ousted very shortly after 1912, and in the absence of a strong central government the country split into informal fiefdoms led by warlords. 孫1912年後很快被罷免了,由於缺少一個強力的中央政府,這個國家被分成了好幾塊由不同軍閥統治的地方。