





a. contrived ,hokey ,stilted ,unreal


a. natural


artificial[,ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]adj. 人造的;仿造的;虛偽的;非原產地的;武斷的


artificial 人造的;仿……的,人工的,手動(控制);仿真的;矯揉造作的;artificial brain 仿真腦;仿真腦,電腦;人工腦;人工頭腦;artificial respiration 人工呼吸;人工呼吸急救法;人工呼吸法;孕婦咳嗽怎麼辦人工呼吸法;artificial kidney 人工腎,人造腎;人工腎;人工腎臟;人造腎;artificial limb 假肢;義肢;假肢,人工肢體;人造肢;


1.These flowers inside the room are all artificial. 這個房間裡的花全都是人造的。

2.In past teaching management, a lot of universities can only produce through artificial way. 在以往的教學管理中,許多高校只能通過人工的方式生成。

3.We want to buy Candles and Holders, Handicrafts, Fashion / Imitation / Artificial / Costume Jewelry, Stone, Wood, Beads. 我們要採購蠟燭和蠟台,手工藝品,時裝/仿製/人造/服裝,珠寶,石頭,木頭,珠。


and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. - 工廠把一種人為的生存方式強加給工人,卻不顧及這種生存方式給工人及其後代帶來的影響。


artificial arm - 上臂假肢

artificial leg - 下肢假肢

artificial termination of pregnancy; interruption of pregnancy - 中止妊娠

hollow fiber artificial kidney - 中空纖維人工腎

artificial tooth; false tooth - 義牙

artificial eye - 義眼

artificial limb - 義肢

arthrodesis; artificial ankylosis - 人為關節強硬術

artificial classification - 人為分類法

artificial diabetes - 人為性糖尿病

artificial somnambulism - 人為夢行

n. artificial defect - 人為缺陷

n. artificial lift - 人工舉升

artificial bicuspid; artificial mitral valve - 人工二尖瓣

artificial subhibernation - 人工亞冬眠

artificial infection - 人工傳染

artificial light source - 人工光源

artificial immunity; artiicial immunity - 人工免疫

artificial immunization - 人工免疫法

artificial joint replacement; prosthetic replacement for joint - 人工關節代替術

artificial joint replacement; prosthetic replacement for joint - 人工關節置換術

artificial hibernation - 人工冬眠

artificial labour - 人工分娩

artificial stimulation - 人工刺激

artificial lipid bilayer - 人工雙分子脂膜

artificial fever - 人工發熱

artificial impregnation; artificial insemination - 人工受孕

artificial hydrogen acceptor - 人工受氫體

artificial synthesis - 人工合成

artificial breathing; artificial respiration - 人工呼吸

artificial feeding - 人工餵養

preparations for artificial feeding - 人工餵養製品

artificial larynx - 人工喉

artificial culture - 人工培養

artificial culture medium; synthetic medium; syntheticmedium - 人工培養基

artificial sunlight - 人工太陽光

artificial incubation - 人工孵化

artificial contrast - 人工對比

artificial aqueductus - 人工導水管

artificial urethra - 人工尿道

n. artificial slag - 人工廢渣

artificial labor; induced labor - 人工引產

artificial labour inductor; artificial labour unit - 人工引產儀

artificial heart - 人工心臟

artificial cardiac pacemaker - 人工心臟起搏器

implantation of artificial cardiac pacemaker - 人工心臟起搏器置入術

artificial antigen - 人工抗原

artificial antitoxin - 人工抗毒素

n. artificial defect - 人工損傷

artificial pollination - 人工授粉


n.人工瓣膜植入術 - application of artificial valvular prosthesis

補助人工心臟 - auxiliary artificial heart

完全體內植入人工心臟 - complete implantable artificial heart

n.滌綸人造血管 - dacron-made artificial blood vessel

n.電動假肢 - electric artificial limb

n.體外人工心臟起搏 - external artificial cardiac pacing

人造骨頭用玻璃 - glass for artificial bone

異基因人工授精 - heterologous artificial insemination

n.中空纖維人工腎 - hollow fiber artificial kidney

同種人工授精,配偶者間人工受精 - homologous artificial insemination

n.人工心臟起搏器置入術 - implantation of artificial cardiac pacemaker

n.體內人工心臟起搏 - internal artificial cardiac pacing

非配偶者間體外受精 - IVF ET by the donor of heterologous artificial insemination

人工呼吸 - manual artificial respiration

n.預成牙列 - manufactured artificial dentition

n.人工瓣膜機械性溶血 - mechanical hemolysis due to artificial valve

n.人工神經元網絡 - network of artificial neuron

偽裝假牙 - person wearing artificial teeth

n.塑料牙 - plastic artificial tooth

叮推帶式人工心臟 - portable type for artificial heart

n.人工餵養製品 - preparations for artificial feeding

n.加壓呼吸,加壓人工呼吸 - pressure artificial breathing

n.人工無泵腎 - pumpless artificial kidney

n.人造織物貼補 - repair by artificial weaving material

n.同步人工呼吸 - synchronous artificial respiration

n.人工流產吸引術 - vacuum extraction for artificial abortion

n.人工流產負壓吸引器 - vacuum extractor for artificial abortion

n.可佩帶式人工腎 - wearable artificial kidney


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