pauabbr. 泛美聯盟(Pan American Union)
Pau 波城;人造馬毛;單元;性潰瘍;Pau Gasol 加索爾;保羅-加索爾;保羅·加索爾;帕烏·加索爾;Ellen PAU 鮑藹倫;鮑靄倫;Steam Pau 蒸包;Pau preto 黑紫檀;
1.He also became fast friends with Pau Gasol when the Lakers traded for him. 而且當湖人交易來加索爾時他最快和加索爾成為了好朋友。
2.Bynum also said he's looking forward to teaming with Pau Gasol, who will move from center to power forward this season. 拜納姆也說他很期待和保羅。加索爾合作,後者在這個賽季將從中鋒位回到大前鋒的位置。
3.Pau needs to play with much more aggressiveness as last year in the finals he was limited to 1
4. 7 PPG even on 53 percent shooting! 枷鎖需要打得更有侵略性,因為上賽季總決賽中他雖然命中率有53%,但是場均得分卻給限制到了14。7分。