n. anti-intellectual ,lowbrowa. anti-intellectual
philistinesn. 非利士人(Philistine的複數形式,愛琴海中的島民)
Philistines 非利士人;非利士;腓力斯人;Samson and the Philistines 參孫與非利士人——;Now the Philistines fought against Israel 非利士人攻打以色列人,以色列人在非利士人面前逃跑,在基利波山有被殺仆倒的。;Then the princes of the Philistines went forth 非利士人的軍長出來打仗;每逢他們出來時,大衛總比掃羅的眾臣僕作事更精明,因此他的名極受尊重。;Moreover the Philistines had yet war again with Israel 大衛帶著僕人下去,與非利士人接戰,大衛就疲乏了。;非利士人又與以色列人打仗;
1.The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them. 非利士人站在這邊山上、以色列人站在那邊山上.當中有谷。
2.Life in the Promised Land was not easy for the Israelites. They had to fight many wars against fierce enemies such as the Philistines. 在希望之鄉的生活對於以色列人是不容易的。他們必須打很多仗來對抗像腓利士這樣殘忍的敵人。
3.Of course, Philistines and reprobates are always with us, and they have created methods for turning pull-down menus back into hierarchical menus. 當然,質疑和非難總伴隨著我們,開發者已經創建了將下拉菜單轉變為層次關係菜單的方法。