n. depigmentation
pigmentation[,piɡmən'teiʃən]n. 染色;色素澱積;天然顏色
pigmentation 色素沉著;著色;色素澱積;顏料捏合;corneal pigmentation 角膜色素沉著;skin pigmentation 皮膚色素沉著;malarial pigmentation 釋義:瘧色素沉著;secondary pigmentation 繼發性色素沉著;
1.The doctor say permanent dermal pigmentation is a form of microsurgery. 醫生說永久的皮膚染色是一種顯微手術。
2.There were normal skin color, no pigmentation and good skin elasticity. 皮膚顏色正常,無色素沉著,皮膚彈性好。
3.It used before electroplating to improve the adhesion of coat, before painting to enhance the pigmentation. 在電鍍前處理,可增強鍍層的附著力,在噴漆前處理,可增強油漆的著色力。
pigmentation of nipple and areola - 乳頭乳暈色素沉著
congenital pigmentation of optic disc - 先天性乳頭色素沉著
pigmentation in pregnancy - 妊娠期色素沉著
n. electrolytic pigmentation coatings - 電解色素澱積層
n. electrolytic pigmentation coatings - 電解顏料澱積皮膜
pigmentation of disc - 視乳頭色素沉著
砷性色素沉著 - arsenic pigmentation
n.皮橙色病 - carotinoid pigmentation
n.先天性乳頭色素沉著 - congenital pigmentation of optic disc
n.角膜素沉著 - corneal pigmentation
n.皮膚色素沉著 - cutaneous pigmentation
n.內原性色素沉著 - endogenous pigmentation
外因性色素沉著 - exogenous pigmentation
n.外原性色素沉著 - extrameous pigmentation
類膽紅素沉著,血棕晶質沉著 - hematoidin pigmentation
n.肝色素沉著 - hepatic pigmentation
腎色素沉著 - kidney pigmentation
黑色素沉著 - melanin pigmentation
n.病理性色素沉著 - pathologic pigmentation
羽被著色基因 - plumage pigmentation gene
噗林色素沉著 - porphyrin pigmentation