revisionistn. 修正主義者adj. 修正主義的
revisionist 修正主義者;修正主義的;修正的社會主義者;修正論者;historical revisionist 歷史修正主義;become revisionist 變修;Revisionist Perspective 修正說;the revisionist 修正主義者;
1.The indignant and incredulous response to whether Kobe is as "good" as MJ is crazy revisionist. 狂熱的修正主義者對這一問題持有憤慨和狐疑的反應。
2.China is more subtle in its ambitions, but still a classic revisionist that wants more for itself and less for the whole. 中國是更為微妙在其野心,但仍然是一個典型的修正主義要更多的為自己和不足,為整個。
3.IT WAS bold of Quentin Tarantino and his producer, Harvey Weinstein, to pre-screen their brutal, wisecracking, revisionist war film at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. 選擇在紐約的猶太遺產博物館公然首映他們的戰爭影片——這部殘酷無比、充滿巧語譏諷且頗具修正主義色彩的電影,導演昆汀