Carabidaen. [昆蟲]步行蟲科
Carabidae 步甲科;步行蟲科;步行蟲;
1.The individuals of Carabidae were significantly more abundant in NRF than those in the other forests, and significantly sparser in USF than those in the other forests. 其中,步甲科的個體數量在NRF顯著多於其他林型,在USF顯著少於其他林型;
2.There are over 60 Species of natural enemy from 31 Familias, 10 Ordos, and 3 Classes. Predatory carabidae and ladybirds, tea spiders and parasitic wasps are the dominant species. 天敵涉及3綱,10目,31科,60餘種,主要是鞘翅目的捕食性步甲和瓢甲、茶園蜘蛛及多種寄生蜂。
3.A total of 42 families were collected in the whole sampling period. Among these, Carabidae and Staphylinidae were dominant, while Anthicidae, Eumolpidae and Lathridiidae were subdominant. 整個採樣週期共採集甲蟲標本42科, 其中步甲科和隱翅蟲科為優勢科, 蟻形甲科、肖葉甲科和薪甲科為亞優勢科。