CMIabbr. 電腦管理指令( Computer Managed Instruction);加拿大採礦學會(Canadian Mining Institute);英聯邦真菌學會(Commonwealth Mycological Institute)
CMI 計算機管理教學;國際海事委員會;康奈爾醫學指數;清邁倡議;CMI code 無繩電話代碼;CMI number 無繩電話號碼;CMI ComputerMuseumHistoryCenter 計算機博物館歷史記錄中心;CMI Call Management Information 呼叫管理信息;
1.Students will be assigned to CMI or EMI classes according to their English standard and preference. 本校將以學生的英語水平及意願,決定該生入讀以英語授課之班別。
2.A model named case mix evaluation model in the study was established by using CMI to adjust (standardize) some indexes in traditional model. 採用病例組合指數對綜合效益傳統評價模型中指標進行調整(標化)得到新的病例組合評價模型。
3.The modernization of Chinese Medicine and its enforced popularity in the world make the Chinese Medicine Instructions (CMI) an urgent problem in China. 隨著中藥的現代化和世界對中藥認識的加深,中醫藥說明書的翻譯問題便突出地表現出來。