Be accounted on consolidated basis 實行統一核算;Be accounted on consolidated basis 實行統一核算;consolidated annuities 統一公債;英國統一公債;永久性統一公債;統一公債,英國統一公債;consolidated aquanaut vital equipment 釋義:海底潛水員維持活存所必需的綜合裝備;CAVE Consolidated Aquanaut Vital Equipment 海底潛水員維持存活的綜合必備裝置(如呼吸,保溫等裝置);
1.There are vast non-consolidated alluvia deposits freshly formed in estuary area of Yangtze River and nearby coastal area. The deposits contribute to land subsidence. 長江河口濱海地區廣泛分佈有大量的沖填土,由於其形成時間短,具有欠固結特性,因此對地面沉降影響較大。
2.The release amount of dissociated P. F. of consolidated-wooden floor had something to do with thickness and produce technics of baseplate and its decorated ways. 強化復合木地板的甲醛釋放量和其基材的厚度,基材的生產工藝,表面裝飾的生產工藝有關。
3.First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. 首先,必需落實教育,以去除人性中的殘忍與獸性;
4.First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. 首先,必須落實教導,以去除人性中的殘暴與獸性;
5.The effect of chemotherapy could be consolidated by the anti-fecundity vaccine for bovines. 抗血吸蟲產卵力的牛疫苗具有鞏固人牛化療效果的作用。
The whole carton is packed with double straps, each corner of the carton consolidated with metal angles. - 紙箱外加了兩道箍,每個箱角都用金屬角加固。
n. De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. - 特比斯克掃雷艇