a. unintended
intended[in'tendid]adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的n. 已訂婚者v. 打算;準備(intend的過去分詞)
intended 有意的;預期的;刻意的;計劃中的預期的;Intended use 使用目的;預期使用;預期用途;Intended Purpose 預期目的;預期使用目的;intended for 用來,目的在於;為...設計的;Intended beneficiary 受益人;
1.That was the primary intended use of the tape. 那才是為這種帶子設計的主要用途。
2.The product is intended for fleet tracking, field force automation or personal location tracking. 該產品是為船隊跟蹤,外地隊伍自動化或個人定位跟蹤。
3.If they intended to remain in harmony, only harmonious personality entities could engage which were also harmless in nature. 如果他們意願停留在和諧中,只有本質上也是無害的和諧的人格存有們能接合。
We never intended that she get involved. - 我們從沒打算把她牽扯進去。
She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, - 她打算裝扮成鬼的模樣。頭天晚上她已把化裝服做好,
She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden. - 目的就是要在不斷增長的瑞典勢力中起主導作用。
In that first glorious hour, the mighty Vasa , which was intended to rule the Baltic, - 就這樣,想要統治波羅的海的大型戰艦"瓦薩號,在它壯麗的起航時刻,