reinstatedn. 恢復,復職;繼單v. 使復職(reinstate的過去分詞)
Reinstated 繼單;恢復,復職 恢復,復職;恢復,復職;被復原的;be reinstated 復職;官復原職;were reinstated 得以復職;reinstated block 翻修重用大廈;reinstated account 復原往來帳戶;
1.He said he would appear in court only if all foreign troops left the country and 600 mutineers were reinstated into the army. 他說只有所有的外國部隊離開這個國家,並且恢復600名叛軍在軍隊中的職位,他才會出現在法庭上。
2.The Supreme Court justices said the reinstated policy may now go before a federal appeals court to judge whether it breached free speech laws. 最高法院法官們稱,被恢復的政策可能正走在一個聯邦上訴法庭判決的前面,無論這是否違反了自由言論法案。
3.Samira, whose surname was not given, has played Snow White for five years. Dresden's mayor and others who miss her performance are asking that she be reinstated. 目前沒有披露傻咪啦姓啥子,她演了五年的白雪公主了。不過,醉死等城的市長和有些人還是很懷念她的表演,要求她重新出山。