half half-and-half 參半;Half zipped or half unzipped 一半直衝或者一半被把拉開圖片;Half zipped or half unzipped 一半直衝或者一半被把拉開圖片;half-hose half hosiery normal socks 短統襪;half-and-half 兩者各半;不好也不壞;差強人意的;對半;
1.Naked came I into this world, and naked must I go out. —— Cervantes. 我赤裸裸地來到這個世界,也要赤裸裸的離去。——塞萬提斯。
2.Naked came I into the world, and naked must I go out. 我赤裸裸的來到這個世界,我必須赤裸裸的離開。
3.Naked came I into this world, and naked must I go out. —— Cervantes. 我赤裸裸地來到這個世界,也要赤裸裸的離去。——塞萬提斯。
4.Yes and no; many players do get a kick out of beating others with their naked minds alone, which is at least better than naked fists. 怎樣都好,許多玩家都有過把它人踩在腳下的邪念吧,至少比真刀真槍要好。
5.Naked oats cereal crops, a scientific name of naked oats, sowing time sooner or later into the summer according to Mr Levy and Mr autumn shelter. 莜麥禾穀類作物,學名裸燕麥,根據播種期早晚分為夏征麥和秋蔽麥。