suzhoun. 蘇州(位於江蘇省)
Suzhou 蘇州;蘇州市;雨漬東吳;經理;Suzhou Gardens 蘇州園林;suzhou baocheng 蘇州寶成;Suzhou City 蘇州市;SUZHOU SCENERY 姑蘇行(曲笛;
1.From the market mechanism, the development of markets of production does basic effects to urbanization in Suzhou. 從市場機制角度出發,生產要素市場的發展,對蘇州城市化起基本作用。
2.Suzhou Dragon Decoration Engineering Service Co. , Ltd. has built a wide range of project and continue to expand our scope of work. 蘇州龍之裝飾工程服務有限公司接過多種類型的工程項目,並正在繼續擴展公司的工程業務範圍。
3.With the rapid development of economy and building of small town during 20 years, Suzhou has been one of the regions which has higher urbanization. 隨著近20年來經濟的飛速發展和小城鎮建設,蘇州地區已成為我國城鎮化程度較高的地區之一。