





these[ði:z]pron. 這些adj. 這些的


these 這些---弟子;論文;大寫;這些、這些的;These Wings 歸鄉之翼;風中之翼;風中之翼 試聽;風中之翼下載;These Words 千言萬語;欲言又止的情話;隻字片語;內心話;THESE KIDS 這些孩子;責罵這些小孩子;these things 這些東西;這些事;


1.Can you load these data for me? 你可以幫助下載這些資料嗎?

2.The flower of any of these plants. '百合花'。''任何這些植物的花朵。

3.These are the ones that really hurt. 這些事情是確實使人傷心的。


This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean? - 好漂亮!是中國書法!這上面寫的是什麼意思?

Please accept these gifts with my thanks. - 請接受這些禮物以表達我的謝意。

No, these are only personal effects. - 沒有,這只是些私人用品。

Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

And these coral earrings for my daughter are so pretty. - 還有給我女兒的珊瑚耳環也非常漂亮。

Here, take a look at these Rolexes. - 來看這幾隻勞力士吧!

Maybe not. These are 350 yuan each. - 不見得哦!這些表每隻350元。

I'm sure everyone will be very happy with these gifts. - 相信他們一定會喜歡這些禮物的。

Are all these goods made in your factory? - 所有這些貨物都是貴廠生產的嗎?

Under these conditions of payment,- - 在這種付款條件下,-

Would you please account for these problems? - 請你談談這些問題,好嗎?

Are these the terms that we agreed on? - 這些是我們同意的條件嗎?

Are these the terms that we dicussed? - 這些是我們所討論的條件嗎?

I'm sorry. For these large orders, we insist on payment by L C. - 對不起。對於這樣金額大的訂單,我們堅持用信用證支付。

Great. What's happening with you these days? - 非常好。你最近幾天怎麼樣?

Michelle picked these flowers out for you. - Michelle選這些花送你 。

any just cause why these two people - 任何正當理由說明這兩位

Then why don't we fix a date for a game one of these days? - 那麼我們為什麼不在這幾天中訂個日子來打一場比賽呢?

That's not an overstatement. As I said, these are only the main ones. There are many others. - 你這樣說一點也不誇張,我只是說了幾個重要的節日,還有很多沒有提及呢。

How fresh are these vegetables? - 這些蔬菜有多新鮮?

Do these match? - 這些相互搭配嗎?

And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors,ambulance drivers, doctors…. - 這是工作中人們的照片:鋼架工人、 銀行職員、警察、街頭小販、救護車駕駛 醫生等等……

Would you kindly hold these keys, please? - 請幫我拿一下鑰匙。

Richard, these are terrific pictures. Richard - 這些照片真棒。

You're working pretty hard these days. - 你這陣子工作得很辛苦呀。

without studying these building plans more carefully. - 在沒有仔細研究這些建築圖的情況下。

and I can finish wrapping all these gifts. - 和我可以把這些禮物包裝完。

I have loved Lillian all these years, - 這些年來我一直愛著Lillian,

If they're as good as the rest of these pictures, it's a deal. - 假如它們跟這兒其餘的照片一樣好的話, 我們的交易就成了。

and Mom has all these committees she's on. - 媽媽又有那麼多的小組會議要開。

You and I are very busy these days. - 這些天來我們倆都很忙。

Whose woods these are I think I know. - 這是誰的林子, 我想我知道。

A list of these items and a volunteer form - 這些物品的清單和義工申請表格

Years of work went into these pictures. - 多年心血換來這些照片。

But this is what you've been working for all these years. - 但你多年來的工作 為的就是這個呀。

As soon as I get these cuff links on. - 只等我將袖扣扣好。

taking these remarkable pictures - 來拍攝這些突出作品

You must observe these simple rules. - 你必須遵守這些簡單的規定。

At least we are not the only ones facing these problems. - 至少不光是我們面臨這樣的問題。

There aren't too many examples of this style of architecture left these days. - 現在這種風格的建築已所剩無幾了。

In these modern times, almose anything is possible, nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science. - 在這個現代社會裡,幾乎所有的事情都有可能會發生,似乎沒有任何事情是科學解決不了的。

Our family has decided that we will definitely be traveling to Japan these Christmas holidays. - 我們家裡人明確定下了在這個聖誕節去日本旅遊。

Please have these clothes washed before eight o'clock tonight. - 我今晚8點前請把這些衣服給洗了。

Fitness clubs are becoming more popular these days. - 現在健身房越來越流行了。

She's on a diet these days. - 這些天她在節食。

Some feel that the media has too much power these days. - 有人認為現在媒體的影響力太大了。

I think the newspaper put a bad spin on these latest events. - 我認為報紙扭曲報道了最近發生的事件。

The media is amazing these days, we can watch world changing events happen live right in front of our eyes. - 現在媒體卻實很神奇,我們能親眼目睹世界上剛發生的事情。

You can't believe all these ads. - 你不能全信廣告。

Sorry to trouble you, do you have these shirts in any other colors? - 麻煩你了,你們有其他顏色的這種襯衫嗎?


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