vasan. 瓦薩號(瑞典戰艦);瓦沙(芬蘭地名)
Vasa 瓦沙 芬蘭 西北歐;瓦沙;白種人;脈管;vasa deferentia 輸精管;vasa vitellina 釋義:卵黃囊血管;vasa exhalantia 氣孔;vas vasa 脈管;
1.This was the vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet . 這就是「瓦薩」號,帝國大艦的皇家旗艦。
2.Then the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute to which the vasa fired in reply . 這時,停泊在港口的其他戰船向「瓦薩」號鳴炮致禮,「瓦薩」號也鳴炮回禮。
3.Heat can activate autocrine growth of the local SMC heated, and alter the structures and function of vasa vasorum originated from the host. 熱刺激平滑肌細胞增殖的機理可能為激活局部細胞的自/旁分泌生長機制,以及熱作用下動脈滋養血管的功能及形態發生障礙。
Then the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute to which the Vasa fired in reply. - 這時,停泊在港口的其他戰船向瓦薩號鳴炮致禮,瓦薩號也鳴炮回禮。
In that first glorious hour, the mighty Vasa , which was intended to rule the Baltic, - 就這樣,想要統治波羅的海的大型戰艦"瓦薩號,在它壯麗的起航時刻,
vasa auris internae; vessels of internal ear - 內耳血管
vasa praevia - 前置血管
vasa vitellina; vitelline vessel - 卵黃囊血管
superficial lymphatic vessels; vasa lymphatica superficialia - 淺淋巴管
deep lymphatic vessels; vasa lymphatica profunda - 深淋巴管
straight vessels; vasa recta - 直小血管
vasa vasorum - 脈管壁血管
omphalome senterical vessels; vasa omphalomesenterica - 臍腸系膜血管
enchyma; vasa vasorum - 營養液
vasa praevia - 血管前置
vasa aurisinternae; vasa labyrinthi - 迷路血管
n.脈管 - pl vasa