woodchopper['wud,tʃɔpə]n. 伐木者;樵夫
woodchopper 伐木者;柴刀 伐木刀;chopper woodchopper woodman 伐木者;Mercury and the Woodchopper 墨丘利神和伐木工;The Woodchopper and the Bear 樵夫和熊;axman feller logger woodchopper woodman woodsman 樵夫;
1.This one chip contains inscribed on it the whole history of the woodchopper and of the world. 這麼一塊小木片,記錄了那個樵夫的一生,也記載了世界的歷史。
2.When she heard Red Riding Hood's impassioned speech, Grandma jumped out of the wolf's mouth, seized the woodchopper-person's ax, and cut his head off. 外婆聽到小紅帽熱血沸騰的演講,從大灰狼口中突然躥出來,抓起樵夫的斧子,一斧子砍下樵夫的腦袋。
3.A fox who was escaping to evade the hunters happened to meet a woodchopper . It asked him for hiding out. The woodchopper admisted its request and let is hide in his house . 狐狸為躲避獵人們追趕而逃竄,恰巧遇見了一個樵夫,便請求讓他躲藏起來,樵夫叫狐狸去他的小屋裡躲著。